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Lexxnd and Dracoq Unban Appeal

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New Member
  1. Hello LokaMC. I am writing this appeal in regards to my friends Lexxnd and Dracoq’s recent ban on Loka ( a few months ago). They understand why they were banned, and I they like to explain their side of the story. They admit to playing with a player named “salkd” was banned from the server LokaMc for ban evading and truly believe that it was wrong for them to help ban assist Salkd, but they had no idea that the player was “Alting'' on several accounts after the permanent exclusion of the players on LokaMC. We would very much appreciate it if you would consider unbanning them from the server. They really enjoy being able to take part in the server, and would love to be able to play again! Thank you for your time and consideration! Sincerely, FlreeisDaddy
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