Yeah, another post. I'm really sorry, I'm just trying to collect information.
In this thread, I want to compile a list of as many Loka players, past and present, as we can remember. It does not matter how significant or insignificant they are, if you know a player that isn't already on the list, please leave them down below. If you know their generation, be sure to leave that info too!
First Generation (Started with The Artifact Server, Feb 14 2011)
In this thread, I want to compile a list of as many Loka players, past and present, as we can remember. It does not matter how significant or insignificant they are, if you know a player that isn't already on the list, please leave them down below. If you know their generation, be sure to leave that info too!
First Generation (Started with The Artifact Server, Feb 14 2011)
- Asymptonic
- mopb3
- Magpieman (Feb 17 2011)
- FatPoulet
- Loloplane
- spunkiethefirst
- ornom0n
- stalkercat
- Syris71
- CoreyP27
- bullfrog6
- Thelineguy
- Toiongo
- memrme
- DiabolicalMech
- Gallazius
- adderman500
- Zor95 / Zor
- hornedbaron
- AIRC15
- coolster13
- numbedshot
- MinerMaxxll
- Mattcate10
- ttrlabs02
- Epicbacon99
- ghdude15
- Slimjim1988 / Kobeyador
- Xemnt
- Nouvellune
- 602968795
- Cryptite (March 2012)
- JocelynReed / Shilo_Moonflair
- MOpyc / Opyc
- Mtndome
- Defgnww / Defgnw (July 3 2012)
- Dingo_Winterwolf
- capminecraft9
- Huckled
- Christennis
- Newdood
- Lucifer09
- Footballman325
- Su1cid4L
- computern
- Psychedelic98
- Cookielvlonsta
- andrekeroxd
- 13scooter13
- Artagan (Apr 2012)
- Leasaur (Apr 2012)
- MrAlchemy
- MasterTargaryen / MasterAegon
- Thieflord304
- MinecraftJedi127 / Jedoi (Mar 23, 2013)
- Ronshaud
- Lazuli73
- SkitchTheWolf
- Irishguyisaac
- Aarmaro
- Centhar
- derpinderfdude
- Steelerfan12345
- hyhu / Ivette_Aramis
- Turtlemaster01 (Mar 2013)
- Duchess_Anna
- CrazyNinjaCow23
- Grubul / unlimitedbul / Gruht
- Gabrosen (Dec 7 2014)
- X_Cavator
- Wolfegger
- DarkCartographer
- EastBowmen
- Iwasnotthere
- Dwemer_Sphere
- minomagic / VoxPhantom21 / Hatron
- TempestBlood
- nokiaman
- Quinavio (Sep 19 2015)
- Ajaxan (Nov 2015)
- Skuhoo (Dec 29 2015)
- Kallious (Dec 29 2015)
- Calixx (Dec 29 2015)
- Temajen (Dec 29 2015)
- HypnoticKrazy (Dec 29 2015)
- Iyoforeayo (Mar 2016)
- Falksi (July 2016)
- BorkMork (Aug 2016)
- Tyrriel (Summer 2016)
- IdkJohn
- IdkKev
- CrewSoulReaper
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