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Suggestion Locked Door Indicator


Well-Known Member
Like many towns Auru does our best to keep all our valuables locked down and protected behind layers and layers of doors in all shapes and forms. In doing so though its sometimes possible for doors to be left open as people are constantly going in and out. Normally this isn't too big a problems for things like a piston door. If its open, its very obviously open and no one will overlook a wide open door.

The problem mainly arises from wooden doors that are unlocked but shut. Without going up and testing the door its impossible to know whether or not it is actually locked. And yes, I can do this but I though a more fun solution that would allow all the redstone engineers to have a bit more fun. Have locked doors output a redstone signal. This way if all the redstone geniuses who want to make indicator lights can do so. Eliminating the need to go around and check all the doors if you know how to use redstone.

An easy example of this would be a locked door with a redstone lamp over it. Is the lamp on? Good, the door is locked. A big more extreme example would be a control room with multiple indicators so one can easily check all the doors from one place.


Staff member
The only thing it seems we can do here is scan the door for any, like, adjacent Redstone-type blocks and set them to be powered. Doesn't seem there's any other way to make a door powered.

There may be other ways we can do this, though, perhaps with armor stands or something. Not sure though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was looking at the API and other plugins and didn't see anything that would suggest you could set a block to produce a redstone signal. Thought it was worth suggesting though.

One option would be the ability to "hook up" a redstone lamp to a door. Perhaps with the golden axe. Just right click the door and then left click the lamp and type a command like /link. A bit more complicated but it would accomplish about the same goal.


Active Member
Or perhaps there can be some kind of visual indicator prompted by the server to show that a door is unlocked? Then if while walking through town you see doors with the indicator you know they need to be locked down? I'm not sure if this is possible myself but it's an idea.


Well-Known Member
Oh, so like a a floating sign above them that simply says like locked/unlocked?


Active Member
I did play on a server where I could make iron doors that automatically closed (it maybe have been using lockette plugin). One could designate who could open the door.


Well-Known Member
I did play on a server where I could make iron doors that automatically closed (it maybe have been using lockette plugin). One could designate who could open the door.

Well it may be a small point to make but I want towns to be able to be careless and get raided because of it. I don't want automatically locking doors. My suggestion is to allow players to go the extra mile beyond just placing a door that will enable them to not only have a lockable door but also a way to make sure its locked.


Active Member
Ya, but that discourages towns from taking in younger players. Still, with new rules on town decline, maybe we'll be snatching up kids left and right and tolerating their errors. I managed to make my main entrance close automatically, so it's not a big issue for me. But I don't see a problem with automatically locking doors. Why should town members be punished for another's knucklehead mistake? If it is meant to keep things authentic, is it that likely that people accidentally leave doors unlocked in real life? (Note: I was never a frat boy--maybe it is authentic?)


Staff member
The very reason we have zones is so that you can feel safe in recruiting new members. If you don't trust them with doors, don't let them have access to an area with valuables. Create a level 1 zone and if you do get raided, you'll lose their stuff and not yours.


Active Member
I was more concerned with a player getting into town and killing town members. My stuff is secure, as far as I know.


Active Member
I did make a secure, automatically locking redstone operated door. It just took a mess of redstone.


Well-Known Member
I did make a secure, automatically locking redstone operated door. It just took a mess of redstone.

This is basically my philosophy. To allow people to get access to incredibly convenient devices like automatically locking doors, they should have to go through the very inconvenient process of having to build the door with a timed re-locking mechanism.

I'm a strong believer that in general, cool and convenient devices should be behind a barrier that takes either resources, time, skill, or preferably all 3 to overcome.