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Log Block


Active Member
So I was skimming through old forum posts and found one from a couple years ago relating to log block perms. Apparently Sentries had permission to use log block within their home town as well as major griefs, but not for theft.
I suggest that we allow log block for town owners within their town territory in an attempt to further secure the rule of no betrayal. This would also allow town owners to better keep their members in line, as well as punish those that are making the town vulnerable.


Staff member
Given the complexity not only of Prism (our block logger) but of a system where we'd only allow perms in certain locations, it's just not worth the time it would take to implement. Currently, with /report, there are enough admins and few enough circumstances where we aren't in any dire need of Town Owners being able to log block their own stuff.

Should it ever come to pass that we the staff is so swamped with internal town-griefs, we can evaluate again then.


A tracked record of all interactions with a certain block. It can be used to see who broke what block and who took what out of a chest.
Ah, I see. I've heard of that concept before, I just didn't know what it was called. Thanks for clearing that up!