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Loka ban appeal #2

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New Member
Ign: Yqman
Ban reason : Mouse tweaks.
Ban date : 182 days (6 months) ago
Alts: Yqman,KINGPIG2025,trolladammemo,Trzortreis
About my account change : My old account (GRIMACESAKEOHIO0) got hacked so I am on new Minecraft account Yqman
last appeal: 106 days ago

How did i found out lokamc

Hello. Im Yqman i joined lokamc 2 years ago for the first time, when i first joined the server i didnt understand it much and then left
after a while, my friend invited me to lokamc and i accepted his invitation. I really liked this server and Loka really helped me improve my pvp.

How did i start using mousetweaks

after a while of playing ranked games i was losing round after rounds and it was really devastating and then i discovered a mod called mousetweaks and it
helped me refill faster and beat my opponents easily. i wasn't going to use it at first because i knew it was against the rules, however after a while,
I couldn't help but start using it because I was getting defeated one after another. I was getting better ranks with mousetweaks and I was getting alot of
kills on zyre and it really made me happy. I was too excited at getting good kills, that I could’ve gotten on my own, however I decided to choose the
impatient route of cheating.

How did i get banned

I really enjoyed playing loka i played for hours after hours. and i was getting alot of kills on zyre and ranked but it was obvious that i used mousetweaks
because i had insta refills in my clips. After a while i got reported and i got frozen by reiwa and when he asked me if i used mousetweaks and i admitted
that i used mousetweaks because reiwa said that my ban would become shorter if i admitted that i used mousetweaks and i finally got banned from loka.

How did i ban evade

During my ban i missed the server very much and i used alts to try join loka because i had dreams of playing loka with my friends however i failed to alt
and got banned after a short time of playing ranked games. After a while i decided to join with another alt and i realized that i needed to get vouched by a player
in order to join and i asked my friend to vouch for me and he did but when i made a ticket on lokamc discord #accounts channel one of the elders said
that i lived in the same house with my main account and i continued lying but obviously my ticket got rejected.

How did i change

During my ban from loka i became a calmer person. I spent some of my time playing on different
servers but none of them were as fun as playing loka and i always missed loka. I tried to be a more mature person and treat people with respect and I realized
that it was the right thing to do. I truly believe that i fixed myself and that will clearly show with my actions on the server And I am ready to be given a second
chance to show that i have learned from my mistakes. When i look at my old self i feel embarrassed and ashamed by the way I acted. But when I look at myself today,
I see that I have really changed.


Making mistakes is a experience everyone goes through. The important part about them is to learn from them. I am truly sorry for doing things that might
offend and hurt people. I have been warned and muted for harrasing people over ranked games and zyre fights. for wishing death on people and making racist
remarks out of anger. I apologize to all the people I have annoyed and i ask for forgiveness. I also sincerely apologize to the players whose Loka experience I affected
using cheats. I am aware of the things I did were really bad things but I love the lokamc community and the server so much and I am confident that I will not repeat
the same mistakes again. and once again i am truly sorry for the stupid, racist and hurtful sentences I have made. and i am sorry for wasting staff teams time

I hope I was honest enough. I would also like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this and considering my appeal.
+1 you are a good friend and mine. all the servers that we played you were never toxic or horrible to anyone. I believe that you've changed and I hope you get unbanned
This appeal was made in violation of the 3 month rule so will be auto rejected. Please do not appeal until at least 3 months after this date.
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