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Loka Debate Network


Well-Known Member
This is a topic for fellow Lokans who want to have a intelligent debate about topics that apply to everyday life, and stray away from silly posts and petty arguments. This network is to debate about topics in intelligent format and logical reasoning. The way this ill work if indeed the network gets popular with plenty of contribution and posting, i will post new topics every few days. Please answer the fallowing with logical reasoning and legitimate reason with some opinion.

Today's Topic; Which Color is Best:

I believe that the best color if blue. Blue has been scientifically shown that it is one of the most appealing color to the human eye and the human eye can see the most wide range of shades in said color. The blue eye color is a result of a human mutation that happen about 1100 odd years ago, thus all blue eye humans have one, but very distant, common ancestor.

Like many of us should know, blue is the color of the sky (I hope you know that, but then again you should as even if you never go outside, Minecraft sky is blue). The sky is made blue due to the oxygen in the atmosphere. Millions of years ago, before the first plant life in the sea to create the oxygen, the sky was pink and the sea was dark red.

Blue light penetrates water the deepest, giving the water its blue color. This is also why in the most deep sea animals living their produce blue bio-luminescence light. It is also debatable that red light is best in the deep sea. Red light in the deep sea is very rare and since most organisms living their have red pigmentation are easy to see and have no idea that a predator is near.

In art, blue is a primary color, which means that it cannot be created through the mixing of colors, it is only a base. Some of you may think what kind of idiot wouldn't know that, but where i go to school a lot of kids think that green is a primary color, and I'm in grade 11.

I think I'll leave it there, post your opinion below and tell us what you think.


New Member
Lazuli73 said:
Today's Topic; Which Color is Best:

It's colour :)

And my favourite colour is red, because red is the colour of watermelon and the best type of kool-aid. Also, i like red lobster, the trainer in pokemon is called Red by default, I like Red Bull, I like Taylor Swift's album: "Red", Clifford the big dog is Red, the Hot Chilli Peppers are Red. I can't think of many other reasons but those are the main ones.


Well-Known Member
Stop the fighting here, new topic!

What is the Best Hue:

There is no other way to spell hue and it means the same thing as color/colour.

Are we all happy!


New Member
Thieflord304 said:
Huehuehuehuehue BRBRBRBRBRBR

I'm with thiefy here, best kind of hue is br hue



moppy said:
What about hugh





Active Member
Lazuli73 said:
Today's Topic; Which Color is Best:

Blue is a pretty important colour in our everyday lives, even in ways we don't even realise. Blue is the way we set our "biological clocks" - blue light from the sky registers in our brains to set our bio-clock to "day". This means sometimes on rainy days when there is no light from the sky it is harder to feel "awake" - because our brains don't recognise the dim daylight. It also means if you stay up all night looking at computer or TV screens your bio-clock can get messed up, because the blue light will screw up your bio-clock.
TIP: if you want to get rid of jetlag take in as much light as possible. It will wake up your brain :D

My favourite colour is green. I think green is the best colour because of its obvious abundance on Earth. Plants use chloroplasts in their leaves to produce glucose, which feeds every single being on Earth directly or indirectly - and the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts is green. Green = energy.
Green is also being used in our lives as a new symbol for eco-efficient or biologically friendly, because of its abundance in nature. We are used to seeing green. It's a good colour, it triggers feelings of assurance and friendliness. Products that use green packaging or are green make us think that they are natural, non-polluting, kind and safe. Green things have always been our friend from the dawn of our existence. This is why green is the best colour. :mrgreen:

P.S. Yes I use the word colour with a u. Please don't get all worked up. Read colour as hue or color if it makes you happier.


Please Zor, no racism. If you continue to act like that, our lawns will become overgrown.

Next topic: What is the perfect number, and why?
Hint: There is a right answer.