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Loka Fabric Modpack


Well-Known Member

Hello everyone, I have been thinking about making this for a while and I recently got around to making it, it is a modpack for Loka that is hosted on Modrinth, that you can install with a single click by using a variety of launchers, such as MultiMC, Prism, ATLauncher and more. As of writing this, is supports both 1.19.4 & 1.20.1 - Both of which contain the same mods, with one minor exception being that 1.20.1 does not have Exordium for performance reasons. This modpack will always be updated to versions that Loka support.

A full list of mods can be found on the Modrinth page for the modpack, as well as credits, and instructions in English, Spanish, Korean, Turkish, and Polish.

Many mods have licenses that DO NOT allow redistribution using 3rd parties, such as sending it to friends, hosting it on a Discord server, etc. This is the only correct way to host something of this nature with respect to the mod authors.

Modpack - Official Modrinth Instructions -

Updating your Loka mods will never be easier, faster, or safer than this.

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Staff member

I'm not sure what it looks like on other launchers but on MultiMC it's not clear which version is 1.19.4 or 1.20.


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure what it looks like on other launchers but on MultiMC it's not clear which version is 1.19.4 or 1.20.
Odd, I already knew this would happen so I fixed it, but apparently MultiMC did not update the names? 1687390576544.png

this is on prism which is a fork of multimc


Well-Known Member
I also do not see the version names on Multimc, its possible that multimc is displaying the original names and not the ones that I have updated? I had to manually fix these names afterwards


Well-Known Member
I think I fixed it but it looks a little weird, modrinth is very restrictive with what I can put as the original version name, doesnt like me putting the version number after the modpack version for some reason, but it works if i update it afterwards? but then it doesnt seem to update for multimc, wack


Staff member
I think I fixed it but it looks a little weird, modrinth is very restrictive with what I can put as the original version name, doesnt like me putting the version number after the modpack version for some reason, but it works if i update it afterwards? but then it doesnt seem to update for multimc, wack

I'd suggest appending Minecraft's versioning with your pack's, i.e 1.19.4-0.1.0 and 1.20.1-0.1.0. That's what other packs like Simply Optimized do.


Well-Known Member
Minecraft 1.20.2 was released today, the Loka Fabric modpack will be updated before Loka itself updates, for anyone wondering


Well-Known Member

Updated for 1.20.2, only missing CIT Resewn (probably because optifine hasnt updated yet and its been almost two months) (sodium supremacy(it updated the same day as 1.20.2 release)