Hey cryptite and the staff team, making this post about todays fight... My alliance was quite confused as to why this fight was rolled back when over the last few months such issues have occurred without any rollbacks, I would like to note we both had the bug so objectively there was no advantage and disadvantage, they also outnumbered us by 6 you can check eldritch to verify this, it's also well known that attackers are the ones at disadvantage automatically in these fights, so with every disadvantage we manage to win, and yet you roll it back this time but not previously, you can understand this to be quite annoying please consider undoing this as it seems quite absurd and not thought through / compared with previous events and "policies"
The only rollback I am aware of in the months I have played is when 12 people warped to rivina...
Last month this exact thing happened, they had the 6 minute warp and they won and it did NOT get rolled back, DID NOT. A clear inconsistency even in the past few weeks
From what I can tell also, not even 10 people from each side couldn't warp, considering that's not such a big difference and it was on both sides technically no one was hurt.
Doubt anything will come from this but it's quite annoying to us all that this same thing happened before and we got told no, and now we finally get people on for a fight end up winning hurray that was great- then it gets rolled back we wasted 4000 potions and our friends wasted there times by getting on to fight
Also we just wasted idk how many locks so can that be undone please?
And if possible our pots, yup would rather the fight just to be fixed but if not please do these things ) <<
In the future we wish for more transparency between staff and players, we were not made aware that such fights where warps break and a few people can't warp would result in a roll back (mainly because previously we complained and it didn't get rolled back) furthermore atleast let us know that you are going to roll it back and why, just even a minute before you do it. It's truly insane that it just happened and nothing was thoroughly explained to anyone, it may just help resolve future conflicts as such.
The only rollback I am aware of in the months I have played is when 12 people warped to rivina...
Last month this exact thing happened, they had the 6 minute warp and they won and it did NOT get rolled back, DID NOT. A clear inconsistency even in the past few weeks
From what I can tell also, not even 10 people from each side couldn't warp, considering that's not such a big difference and it was on both sides technically no one was hurt.
Doubt anything will come from this but it's quite annoying to us all that this same thing happened before and we got told no, and now we finally get people on for a fight end up winning hurray that was great- then it gets rolled back we wasted 4000 potions and our friends wasted there times by getting on to fight
Also we just wasted idk how many locks so can that be undone please?
And if possible our pots, yup would rather the fight just to be fixed but if not please do these things ) <<
In the future we wish for more transparency between staff and players, we were not made aware that such fights where warps break and a few people can't warp would result in a roll back (mainly because previously we complained and it didn't get rolled back) furthermore atleast let us know that you are going to roll it back and why, just even a minute before you do it. It's truly insane that it just happened and nothing was thoroughly explained to anyone, it may just help resolve future conflicts as such.
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