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Loka fight rolled back.


Well-Known Member
Hey cryptite and the staff team, making this post about todays fight... My alliance was quite confused as to why this fight was rolled back when over the last few months such issues have occurred without any rollbacks, I would like to note we both had the bug so objectively there was no advantage and disadvantage, they also outnumbered us by 6 you can check eldritch to verify this, it's also well known that attackers are the ones at disadvantage automatically in these fights, so with every disadvantage we manage to win, and yet you roll it back this time but not previously, you can understand this to be quite annoying please consider undoing this as it seems quite absurd and not thought through / compared with previous events and "policies"
The only rollback I am aware of in the months I have played is when 12 people warped to rivina...
Last month this exact thing happened, they had the 6 minute warp and they won and it did NOT get rolled back, DID NOT. A clear inconsistency even in the past few weeks
From what I can tell also, not even 10 people from each side couldn't warp, considering that's not such a big difference and it was on both sides technically no one was hurt.
Doubt anything will come from this but it's quite annoying to us all that this same thing happened before and we got told no, and now we finally get people on for a fight end up winning hurray that was great- then it gets rolled back we wasted 4000 potions and our friends wasted there times by getting on to fight

Also we just wasted idk how many locks so can that be undone please?
And if possible our pots, yup would rather the fight just to be fixed but if not please do these things :)) <<

In the future we wish for more transparency between staff and players, we were not made aware that such fights where warps break and a few people can't warp would result in a roll back (mainly because previously we complained and it didn't get rolled back) furthermore atleast let us know that you are going to roll it back and why, just even a minute before you do it. It's truly insane that it just happened and nothing was thoroughly explained to anyone, it may just help resolve future conflicts as such.
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Admins were watching the fight and didn't terminate the fight as they were aware of the bug, this bug was even happening last month and now they roll it back instead of just fixing the bug?


The only difference between these two situations the one today and the one last month is that Donzula lost this one and won the other. It was completely unfair and unnecessary for this fight to be rolled back.


Well-Known Member
ive heard staff are biased to wf and staff are biased to cov. BUT OF COURSE yes now the staff are biased towards the random Mexican towny pvpers of course how was i so blind.

Regardless, we had 15 not able to warp and you had 8. That other fight was one tile next to oly, and i think all tiles near a town give 6m warp? if im correct


Well-Known Member
its just the alliance leader's town that gives 6m warp. we arent saying the staff is biased towards anyone, we just think there is inconsistency in their decisions and in some cases they actually do something and other times they say do /report and they will respond in 6-7 business months.


Well-Known Member
its just the alliance leader's town that gives 6m warp. we arent saying the staff is biased towards anyone, we just think there is inconsistency in their decisions and in some cases they actually do something and other times they say do /report and they will respond in 6-7 business months.
ah my b den

u right about /report


Well-Known Member
I don't think they were watching the fight for one since Diego and Cthan said something about it in chat.|

Doubt anything will come from this but it's quite annoying to us all that this same thing happened before and we got told no, and now we finally get people on for a fight end up winning hurray that was great- then it gets rolled back we wasted 4000 potions and our friends wasted there times by getting on to fight

Also we just wasted idk how many locks so can that be undone please?
So did ours then...? lol

Also you wasted locks?? So those people who locked weren't going to fight again what lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they were watching the fight for one since Diego and Cthan said something about it in chat.|

So did ours then...? lol

Also you wasted locks?? So those people who locked weren't going to fight again what lol.
Since the staff are trying to say this fight "didn't happen" nor should have the locks, so they should all be removed

And they were watching the fight, this is the first time in literal years for loka that a conquest fight has been rolled back for broken warps, from what I've been told about the past years, and from what I have even seen in the past 2 months I have played.


Well-Known Member
Since the staff are trying to say this fight "didn't happen" nor should have the locks, so they should all be removed

And they were watching the fight, this is the first time in literal years for loka that a conquest fight has been rolled back for broken warps, from what I've been told about the past years, and from what I have even seen in the past 2 months I have played.
Yeah the first time in years when you're lieterally new to Loka?!?!?! There was a fight rolledback on Rivinia just last month and Cov fights got terminated this year as well. Also lets say staff removes everyone who locked in the fight today and for what??? You're telling me all the people who locked today aren't going to lock again for another fight?


Well-Known Member
Yeah the first time in years when you're lieterally new to Loka?!?!?! There was a fight rolledback on Rivinia just last month and Cov fights got terminated this year as well. Also lets say staff removes everyone who locked in the fight today and for what??? You're telling me all the people who locked today aren't going to lock again for another fight?
Like are you actually reading anything I say

In the original post I stated that I was aware of the rivina fight, but that got terminated due to too many people warping, a different situation and the people involved were made aware BEFORE HAND

Yeah I know I'm new (read my post bro) " this is the first time in literal years for loka that a conquest fight has been rolled back for broken warps, from what I've been told about the past years,"
And even if these people do lock again to garama, besides the point they should have the option to go somewhere else now if they want since the fight "didnt happen"


A bunch of rivina fights were rolled back last month and both sides had glitches, either couldn't kill golems or warped more than 10 people.


Well-Known Member
yeah these have happened a lot more than you've been told
A bunch of rivina fights were rolled back last month and both sides had glitches, either couldn't kill golems or warped more than 10 people.
c o n q u e s t c o n t i n e n t a l

Those rivina fights were broken for other reasons, and rolled back for those other reasons
If you read my post, once again you would have known this


Well-Known Member
I get it every now and then fights get rollbacked but there is a inconsistency in which fights get rollbacked. The fight that had the same exact bug last month did not get rollbacked but this one did.


Well-Known Member
And now we get a bunch of people on

you waste more of our times

wait till 15 minute to warp and terminate

If conquest wasn't meant to take place before you fixed your bugs why didn't you tell anyone, this goes on to the transparency thing again, this is so dumb.


Well-Known Member
And now we get a bunch of people on

you waste more of our times

wait till 15 minute to warp and terminate

If conquest wasn't meant to take place before you fixed your bugs why didn't you tell anyone, this goes on to the transparency thing again, this is so dumb.
