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Loka Staffing Update


Staff member
Over the past few weeks, we've been trying to come up with a sort of Organizational Chart that not only describes who fills what roles on Loka, but more importantly, it allocates spots for future Lokans to fill lead roles on the team.

These lead roles aren't like being admins (Guardian, Sentry, etc), as those are more literal promotions and serve a more diverse role. These staffing roles are more akin to leaders of teams that help develop for Loka or fill specific roles in order to ensure the future success of Loka.

While we have a generally outlined layout of the staffing position and will fill roles when we need them, we aren't ready to release it just yet. However, we can announce that we have filled our first role!

So a hearty congratulations are in order to MrAlchemy who has agreed to fill our first role as Head of Creative Building.

As part of this role, MrAlchemy has the power to recruit players on Loka for building projects as outlined by the staff. He's effectively in charge of builds and gets to pick people to help him. Ultimately this means he has oversight on the direction of creative builds with input from the admin team.

His first task which is already looking to be most spectacular is building out our Capital Halls in spawn.

Congratulations Alch!
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Active Member


Well-Known Member
As far as i know Alch, from this world and the world before - and few worlds and videos he sent to me.... He is the best builder i know.

+9000 opyc for Alch!


Active Member
Nice. Loka is in good hands with him. I can't wait to see what he builds (ever been the case since I first met him this summer).


Well-Known Member
I congratulate MrAlchemy on his hard work and sacrifice toward the server, I believe he will do spectacular at his job and all the specs that come with it, good luck and have fun.

Congrats again, "May The Artifact be with you" <3



Well-Known Member
The game right now is awesome because it is hard. There are things to do. We get the possibility of traveling to one of the alliance towns as a perk and at cost of a capital policie. If we could simply travel to any of it, it would be too easy to travel in the continents and would make transportation policie pointless.

but lets try to keep this thread for congurulating Alch, and keep the suggestions in suggestions forums. :p

I agree :D


Well-Known Member
to be brutally honest I think town portals as they are now are too OP. they make trading super easy because traveling to and from the market is so fast. In my mind going to trade should be difficult. that would make it so trading prices go up because foreign resources are hard to come by without a long journey.