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Loka Tips


Staff member
As you all know, you get spammed tips about Loka until you dismiss them individually. I'd recently mentioned that we'd started to add contextual tips (only show you information when you need it, and no sooner). We've only got a few tips in so far, but it'd be really helpful if you guys could reply with tips you wish you'd been told about without having to ask.

Literally come up with anything you can think of that you think should be a tip. It can be as mundane as what feathers do or as broad as 'you are level 6, now start to conquest'.

We'll probably add all of them. Go!


Active Member
Here are a few possible ones: no mob spawners; no vanilla Minecraft caves--giant caverns instead; no villagers (and you can't create them); ores are grouped differently (player should test mining at different levels to find optimal level for mining);