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Loka Videos

Which type of videos should be the focus for Loka promotion?

  • General Let's Play

  • VotA Spectate w/ Commentary

  • Arena Matches

  • HowTo's or Instructional Videos

  • Informative Videos on Loka's Features (Artifact Update)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Active Member
We've all had the discussion before about what we'd like to see in the way of videos for Loka. I've got a poor excuse for a channel right now that I'm working on getting videos posted regularly again.

The question is what would you all like to see the most? What do you think will draw viewers and new players? What would you like to participate in most?

Please let me know in the Poll with your two selections on what you think would be most influential or nice to see regularly. Keep in mind that this will be for all players that are part of the community as well as outsiders for promotional reasons. Feel free to give input as well on your selections and reasons why.


Staff member
FWIW The first videos that I myself make will be informative videos about how Territories, Towns, Battlegrounds etc work.


Active Member
I appreciate the feedback that is coming in. I'm surprised there aren't nearly as many How To votes. With the amount of innovative ideas and unique spawners, devices, etc... that we have on Loka, I figured there would be a lot more interest.

VotA spectate is a big deal though. I'm hoping to get footage from Crypt's streams as well as my own recordings to make a single cut video as well as highlight videos for big plays/fights. Hopefully I'm not being too ambitious.

As far as Artifact update videos go, Crypt, shall I leave that entirely to you? Do you want to split some? Perhaps a player perspective series on the features of the server?


Staff member
You're free to make whatever videos you want, honestly. Player perspective are fine and dandy by me. At this point, any videos for Loka would be best :p


Active Member
Sounds good. Completely off the trail of priority though, I'd love to compile some kind of lore for the sole purpose of letting the public know that there is a little mystery and flare to the world of Loka.


Honestly, I think we should have certain people with the ability to go into spectator mode in the regular world as "Scribes". This would allow people with fraps and recording software to be notified through a / command (that every player would have) so we would be able to compile as many events and clashes as possible. For example: If I was about to raid Albion with 200 dogs and think it would make for a great video. I would do the command and then proceed and hope someone can come film it.


Active Member
That's nice in theory but people with that kind of capability are pretty limited. That would require /fly and then anyone charged with recording would be aware of raids or fights before they happen, exempting them from conflict and pvp.


There would be some down falls, but with the possibility of getting some good footage, it may be worth while.I am not sure how complicated it would be to set up a commands list, but this is what i imagined.
console:Which scribe would you like to summon.
{[Click command]Magpieman-Town:Albion-Town allied with (allies group name)}
{[Click command]Mastertargaryen-Town: (town name)-Town allied with(allies group name)}
{[Click command]Crypt-Town: (town name)-Town allied with(allies group name)}
me:*clicks on magpieman*
Console:Summons has been set
Console /msg magpieman {[Click Command] Kobeyador has summoned you to be his scribe. do you accept?}
It can be more detailed where it can ask what is the nature of the event:raid/pvp/lore event. If it is a raid ,you click which registered town it is against,if you click a scribe that is allied with you or the town that is the target then it will say that you have to choose another. This would make it so you would not be at an advantage or be at a disadvantage by having a neutral party that is not allied with either towns.

But this is just a theory.... a GAME theory XP (makes reference no one may understand)


Active Member
Well it may be a lot simpler than all that. I doubt it would necessitate code as much as simply messaging one of the people with capabilities to record asking if they'd like to get some shots.

However, not many raiders want their efforts on film. That kind of defeats the purpose when their methods are revealed. This will allow towns to equip their defenses and render that method useless for the next time. Now, if it's something as simple as a group going to attack a city and simply pillage it then that might be different.

In any case, it's simpler to just send a message to the 'camera man'. What it boils down to is who will have the powers to actually record these things for cutting/editing.


well I am among those who have fraps and editing software. the only issue is knowing who can record and who cant. that is why I suggested the summoning method. not knowing who is a camera man and the fact that vanished guardians and higher are not shown as online. Not only that but you can't even / msg a vanished guardian and asking in public chat if there is a guardian who is a camera man on in regular chat can raise suspicions.


Maybe make it simpler to have a "camera man" chat that regular people can do a /sudo Cameraman chat msg asking for assistance and wait for a responce? have it where only "scribes" have the ability to see this chat but everyone can type a request into it worrying about "non scribes" being able to read it.


Active Member
This is all something for Crypt to review, of course. It's not likely that it'll be a big addition as far as code goes, if I have to guess. I would suggest simply planning ahead of time and asking someone to record if you (or anyone else) wants the footage. you can also record your own and send it to me if you want me to add stuff for a highlights video.


why not record everything at all times? just remembered about this. https://miners-movies.com/ i have little knowledge about it though.

I am guessing it just records all the actions and all the numbers(x,y,z,facing direction, damage,and health) and replays them to the appropriate server ticks that they were recorded on.
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