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Suggestion Lokafest2k17

Would you be interested in a brewing fest?

  • Yes

  • No

Results are only viewable after voting.


If you're interested in helping me with this project then please contact me via discord or message me on the forums. The more people and resources I have to get this done the faster it will be here

Please add suggestions and constructive criticism below. (Also Thank you BuscoNombre for the name Lokafest)

Please feel free to pm me on discord with questions

  • Idea
    • Towns from around the server come together and compete in a brewing competition
  • Current Events
    • Drunken races (Foot Races)
      • All

      • Each racer will drink a certain number of a specific drink and proceed to race a few laps around a track

      • May have to run multiple heats based on entry numbers
    • Mass Brewing race
      • Each town will gather to in an attempt to create as many drinks as possible in the given time

      • Town with the most drinks at the end of the time wins
    • Drink creation contest
      • All

      • Anyone who wishes may create a book with a recipe of how to create a new drink and submit it for judging all books must be signed and only 1 entry per player (some exclusions may apply)

      • Winner will have their drink coded into the server
      • Please submit your drink in the following manner
      • ~ ~ Brew Name ~ ~
        1. Ingredients
        2. Cooking Duration (in minutes)
        3. Times to Distill (if any)
        4. How long to be aged (and wood type of barrel)
    • Selling Drinks
      • Possible tiebreaker

      • 1 booth per town run by town

      • Each booth will charge shards for drinks most money made at the end of the festival wins
    • Drunken building competition
      • Each Town sends a representative to build a structure while drunk

      • Alcohol must be regularly consumed and brewed by other members of the town

      • 30-minute time limit
      • Building materials will not be provided
    • Bar fight
      • Enclosed space the last man standing wins no weapons armor or other supplements
    • Various stands
      • Stands for each brewing company

      • Festival games like archery, diving, etc.
  • Hosting
    • Host town could be selected based on the previous festival’s winner

    • 1st time hosting in Haru Nova (my idea my town)

    • Possibly at spawn

    • Try to rotate town every time (no town should host back to back festivals)
  • Organization
    • Each town can enter 1 brewery into the festival each town will be supplied with 1 small barrel of each type and basic ingredients (sugar cane, wheat, apples, seeds, etc.) Any special ingredients must be brought during the day
      Everyone may enter each event once
    • Will limit to 15 entries
    • To enter your town please provide your town name and the name of your brewing company
  • Provided Materials
    • 1 spruce 1 oak 1 birch barrel
    • 64 wheat, 32 sugar cane, 64, seeds, 32 apples
    • 3 cauldrons
    • Any extra materials, barrels, or cauldrons must be supplied by the town
  • Scoring
    • Winners of events will earn their town 1 point

    • Town with the most points at the end of the festival Crowned Brewing Capital of Loka
  • Current entries
  • Elf Brewing Co. (Eldamar)
  • Otaku Brewing (Astoria)
  • K3BAB Brewing Co. (K3BAB)
  • Alakazam (Only competing in non-brewing events)
  • Shiny Donut Corps (Graxum)
  • Alchemist United (Arcanuaun)
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I like the ideas, the drunk race and fights, and the drink creation are fine. But about the others two, i think there wont be much competition since we dont have much drinks and the only thing u need in order to make a "perfect" drink is the recipe. I would think in something like, a massive drink production, in which every team tries to make as more drinks as they can in a certain amount of time. This will make people to think in different brewing strats and in which drink is better to do, considering the times and all that.

Also about the teams i was thinking in making a town list, in which every town earns points at every game and at the end the town with more points win. And let players play alone at certain games like the races and the fight representing their town. ofc we will need to place a max of players per town and a minimun of players for team based games like the brewing creation.

This way we let people to take part of any game they want instead of making a team play all of them
I like the idea of the mass brewing that would definitely be easier to judge than my other idea.
As for the Town list, I also agree that's a good idea it allows for more members to participate in more activities.

So if I'm understanding you correctly people playing in the lone games like the races and the fight will get points towards their town's total if they win which is what I had originally intended

Maybe set the cap at 8? seems pretty fair
Love the idea of a Brew fest. However, I'd like to suggest possibly it being more akin to the famous holiday of Oktoberfest! I believe that the festivities of this holiday could help you come up with suggestions for the, "lokafest2k17" in respects to events, times and competitions.

I'm eager to hear your response as the suggestion so far sounds like the building grounds of a great events that has the ability to be moulded into something that would definitely add the the server experience and atmosphere.
Hey Koi! I totally agree with you on that point! I wanted LokaFest to be more of a celebration of culture and lore that a day packed with competitions and judging. I'll be taking a look at the events typically hosted in Munich during that time to better create an events schedule that mimics it. I saw your builder application on the forums and I wonder if you might want to help with construction of the grounds? By the time this post goes up I'll have scouted out a spot and started planning. Thanks for your input!
Hey Koi! I totally agree with you on that point! I wanted LokaFest to be more of a celebration of culture and lore that a day packed with competitions and judging. I'll be taking a look at the events typically hosted in Munich during that time to better create an events schedule that mimics it. I saw your builder application on the forums and I wonder if you might want to help with construction of the grounds? By the time this post goes up I'll have scouted out a spot and started planning. Thanks for your input!

Unfortunately I'm unable to play much at all at this moment. However, I was going to recommend just setting it up within your town if you needed to! I was going to suggest that you perhaps talk to Cryptite about this becoming a 4 day even at spawn with multiple hosted activities.

Spawn would be an extremely useful place to host because of how it would be easier for all players to participate, play knowing it'll be pvp free and nobody would find it particularly hard to come to the event!
Unfortunately I'm unable to play much at all at this moment. However, I was going to recommend just setting it up within your town if you needed to! I was going to suggest that you perhaps talk to Cryptite about this becoming a 4 day even at spawn with multiple hosted activities.

Spawn would be an extremely useful place to host because of how it would be easier for all players to participate, play knowing it'll be pvp free and nobody would find it particularly hard to come to the event!
I never thought about hosting at spawn, however, I don't want to have someone else feel responsible for building the festival grounds unless they want to. I agree that the no pvp would be a good feature. I'll talk to Crypt about it and see what we can work out
May I suggest drunken archery courses,drunk parkour, drunk foot race, drunk falling tourney and drunk bomber man
Sorry I was in a rush whenever I made those suggestions I'll expand on them now!

What I meant by drunk falling tourney was the mini game of dropper maps. These maps were made with the idea of the player having to drop safely all the way to the water covered bottom without hitting the terrain on the way down.

Bomber man was a game created in July 1983. The game revolves around the goal of trying to remove the enemy from the game with bombs. The arena had parts that were breakable. However, most was indestructible. The reason I'd suggest this as the random movement associated with drunkness/blindness would add to the difficulty of the mini game. The only down major down side to this that I can see is how it would eat up TNT and would require a lot of obsidian to create and arena.
Sorry I was in a rush whenever I made those suggestions I'll expand on them now!

What I meant by drunk falling tourney was the mini game of dropper maps. These maps were made with the idea of the player having to drop safely all the way to the water covered bottom without hitting the terrain on the way down.

Bomber man was a game created in July 1983. The game revolves around the goal of trying to remove the enemy from the game with bombs. The arena had parts that were breakable. However, most was indestructible. The reason I'd suggest this as the random movement associated with drunkness/blindness would add to the difficulty of the mini game. The only down major down side to this that I can see is how it would eat up TNT and would require a lot of obsidian to create and arena.
Ah ok thanks for the elaboration unfortunately I think both those things are a little outside my skill level but I appreciate the suggestion anyway!
if its possible, id gladly join as an individual nomad

Or, if any town wants to snatch me, im up for it. You know me, the guy that found some recipies and made the brewing book.
if its possible, id gladly join as an individual nomad

Or, if any town wants to snatch me, im up for it. You know me, the guy that found some recipies and made the brewing book.
I mean this was for the 1st LokaFest which has come and gone but if you want to participate in the 2nd one I'm sure any town would let you on their team.