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Lokan Lore Concept Art


Well-Known Member
Hello, fellow loreist,

So midway working through the finale to my previous lore piece, I have images of what I personally see lokan players look like in human form. I will update this forum whenever I see a picture that describes a well known and active player here on Loka. I will try to match their clothing from the regions that they are from on Loka.

I also believe moving forward when you read my lore post, you can put a face with the name to the characters that I mention that have or already do play on loka.

If you are interested in getting a character depiction, go ahead and let me know, and ill make one for you or someone you believe to be written about! I plan on doing this as a rolling forum post. I can't get to everyone right now in one single post but hopefully, as time goes on I can get many people covered.

:loka: Skuhoo

Located in the southern tropical isle on Ascalon rest the longest-reigning capitol city, Eldritch. Ruled by the one and only Skuhoo, first of his name Skuhoo is the longest-reigning ruler of Ascalon. Skuhoo has not only reigned as the protectorate of the Covenant alliance but has nearly ruled Ascalon till first historians could write about it. From his lightweight armor / elegant regal clothing to his battle weary spirit, this character concept art is the best depiction of Skuhoo. As a long reigning ruler Skuhoo have most definitely proved himself in the realm of politics, power and foreign diplomacy. Since Skuoo is in the southern Ascalonian sunset isle, Id assume due to its tropical climate you wouldn't see him wearing heavy furs as you would in Kalros. The background is meant to show a sense of a worn battlefield to depict the wars domestic and abroad he has participated in. The sword that this character is holding best signifies Skuhoo's heavily military involvement in many lokan theatres, and the golden crown on his head out of all shows his power through it all.

:loka: ArcherSquid
From the tips of the northern icy waste in Kalros, to the deep ancient wood of Arvik, rest Kalros one true king, Archersquid. Born and raised in the icy climate has definitely shown Archers ability to withstand intense below freezing temperatures the climate provides. Throughout Archers life he has fought for only one thing, his home. Involved in many wars and uprisings since the fall of the great Asmund alliance Archer has proven to spearhead the revolution of the free people of Kalros against its enemy, covenant influenced Silverhand. On deep a conquest to bring glory back to his homeland and to once more restore the norths indefinite freedom, Archer will never stop. The main goal was to really show a major difference between Ascalonian attire and Kalrosian attire, as Ascalon seems to be more solidified and have a stronger sense of foundationalism in its form, this was really the main goal of the piece as well. As you can see, I definitely do go with a sense of a traditional tribal / Viking look since he was a born and raised a fierce warrior.


Well-Known Member
alba-francescut-charactercaccavfx-1-corrected.jpg:loka: King Thanius_
From the vast lands of Auru, to the Subsaharan tropical regions of Garama rest one of the fairest and truest rulers of them all, Thanius_. First of his name, and the preserver of peace and justice in the Lokan realm. From his traditional Aurelian / Kalrosian attire to his Garaman influenced flamboyant royal taste, one would be unwise to underestimate him on the battlefield. To the shortsword that his majesty wields, depicts that his people, Edgewind, are not prone to war but will lay their enemies to rest when bothered. Rumors are spoken of him to even perhaps be the one true king of the three continents, one who could unite the people and one who could rule them with grace and prosperity. Stories are spoken of him in the ruins of Valinor to the icy realms of Stromgarde to this day. From his majestic grace to his iron fist over the southwestern Garaman coast, the people of Edgewind are wealthy and sustainable people.

:loka: Jedoi (The white wolf)
Through the legendary wars of Asmund, to the fall of Silverhand, rest the true lady of Kalros, and the Queen of the North, Jedoi. Ruling from her powerful historic stronghold such as the kingdom of Auru, has allowed her people to gain much status and influence in the world we know as Loka today. From her traditional Kalrosian attire to her fiery warrior spirit rest a queen who fights and dies with her people. Ever since Auru's inception, the queen has adopted many prominent lokans through her kingdom and ranks one of which being King Thainus of Edgewind. Aurulians are known for their dominance in diplomacy and their dedicated allegiance to whichever cause they support. Although this ancient city has fallen....there are some that have spotted her brewing an army...to one day reclaim something that she has once lost. From her iconic battle shield to the foggy gloomy backdrop, Jedoi has proven to be involved in many Kalrosian wars. The furs on her shoulder represent her regalness and the iconic braids depict her peoples dominance in many wars across all of Kalros.
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Well-Known Member
2840d976ec83862af5eece256b78b24062423046_hq.jpg:loka: Emperor Sir_Maltier:loka:

In the northern deserts of Garama to the tropics of the southern dead sea, a great emperor ruled the lands known as Sir_Maltier. Known for the powerful empire he founded and built, Cincia (Modern day: Noobville). They maintained the middle regions of Garama and safeguarded the continent from all invaders from Iblis and Covenant. His curved longsword represents the militant guardianship he and his powerful southern legionaries had over the Garaman Confederation as its primary fighting force. By serving the capital of Garama faithfully, Dong Dank, he never defied to break his bond with the true diplomats of the continent. His defiant stance represents his weight and power he once had in Garaman affairs by helping sustain the continent and kept it united by serving Dong Dank, the capital faithfully and loyally till the end. The garb he wears significantly represents desert Garaman attire as the climate is very hot. Signifying all honor and glory to his majesty, Emperor Sir_Maltier, first of his name, protector of Garama, Emperor of the great Garaman desert, ruler of Cincia, and the guardian of the east. As old as the days of Asmund, Sir_Maltiers impact on Loka was massive, although many don't know him today, he managed to help ensure that a continent could truly be united under one banner. Long live the Emperor.

:loka: High King Sparky___ :loka:

From the prisons of Valinor, to the throne of the elven holy lands of western Ascalon resides High King Sparky___ over the high elves. During the time of the 3rd age, King Sparky was appointed King of Valinor by Castalina, Queen of the elves. From his shiny golden armor to loyal elven guards fighting beside him, shows Sparky___'s loyalty to not only his people but their loyalty to the true king that united the races of elves and men. From the western lands of Ascalon, to the tropics of Garama, King Sparky___ has ruled many lands across the Lokan realm, leaving an impact on every region he encountered. The greenery that his majesty uses are strengthened tree bark and leaves from the Garaman forest by his time-fighting in wars there. Sparky___ played and continues to play a pivotal role in Lokan history, by being the first half-elf high king the elves of Loka ever followed into war. In the days of old, he took on the Covenant empire and was crowned the new king of Ascalon. By the end of the third age of war, and the fall of Valinor, his majesty joined the covenant in its rebuilding to enforce peace across the Lokan realms. From his hardy battle stance to the golden sunlight that radiates behind him, proves that Sparky___ always strives for peace and unity wherever he goes. Now as the sun begins to rise once more....in the northern lands of Ascalon, rises a kingdom known as Eneria, and all the elves and some humans from the days of old are returning back to follow their once true king who united the races of elves and men. May his majesty lay his enemies to rest.


:loka: MasonMCBadbat :loka:

All rise, in the presence of his royalness, the King of Garama. Ruling in one of the oldest towns to date on Loka, MasonMCBadbat has only cared for one thing. His continent and his home. Still ruling to this day as one of the oldest monarchs to ever rule a Lokan kingdom, MasonMCBadbat has accomplished many feats in his time here on Loka. As you may see, Garaman attire fluctuates based on the region you may find someone in. His greenish cross cloak represents the true colors of the Garaman people, dyed from tree leaves and Cincian cactus deep in the forest which are rich in their color. His Ascalonian influenced attire shows that Dong Danks people are not people who are known for their war, but their diplomacy. One would be unwise to underestimate the power MasonMCBadbat holds as King of Dong Dank. Although his people were no warriors, they managed to unite an entire continent for years and made one of the biggest empires, Cincia, to bend the knee to follow alongside. The iconic hand reach that is depicted in this picture shows MasonMCBadbat's ability to always have a good talk and influence his enemies, allies, and acquaintances. Through the Covenant occupation of Garama, to the reflected invasions of Ascalon, MasonMCBadbat has stood tall through it all. Leading his people to be the most influential cities in all of Loka.
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