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Looking for Librarians

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Old One
Staff member
Old One
A new Library means we need new Librarians. This is someone with special permissions within the spawn library to approve and place books that players deposit. Their job is to keep the Library running smoothly and organised. They should have a passion for reading and writing. It also comes with a fancy title :) If you are interested in the position please apply below.
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Well-Known Member
I think I would make a good librarian. I would be more the willing to comb through all the donations, reading through every page while I jam to Disney songs. As most of you probably know I have a passion for writing. Currently I am working on a book I intend to publish. Plus with my self-diagnosed OCD, though with some hindsight I might actually have OCD, you can garentee the I would keep the shelves organized. Before I would shelve any new books I would get in contact with the author if I found any grammatical errors. Personally seeing a published spelling mistake is one of my biggest pet peeves. You can garentee that when I publish my book that I'll probably never read it because I'll find a mistake and never let myself live it down because I know I can't fix it and thousands of people have seen it.

In conclusion I would love to be a librarian for this world's Spawn Library. Hopefully I qualify for the role since I always want to contribute to the server, no matter how small.
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Well-Known Member
I would also like to apply for the position of librarian. I am a writer and avid reader. I am also a fast reader, so I will be able to read through potential new books rather quickly.

I know Loka's lore and story extremely well, and I care deeply for the wealth of knowledge the library will exhibit. I believe I have demonstrated this on the Wiki. :)

An issue I can see, though, is that I am not active right now. However, I'm obsessively playing another RPG so I do have time, I simply have lacked the motivation this past while. With this responsibility, I would be very much motivated to play and can ensure I will be more active, if only to work in the library.

...I recall an old library, now lost to time. A wealth of knowledge built into the side of a mountain. It contained a great tale, one I could tell. I could tell the story from the discovery of the first Artifact to our arrival on this world. My mind lives not in the present, but the past, that which only now exists as ink on the precious pages of history books.

Loka's been a big and important part of my life for a long time now, particularly in the RP aspect. I would like to help in any way I can, and would be truly honoured if I could fill this role.
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Well-Known Member
I definitely would be eligible for upholding the job as Librarian! I LOVE reading, writing, and lets not forget LORE!!! I'm fairly good with organizing and also know Loka's history. I'm active, friendly, and love to write lore! I feel like Being a Librarian would be a good fit for me! :D
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Active Member
I'm always prepared to help out if you need someone, I'd love to help with growing Loka's player lore. Just shoot me a message on Discord or the forums if you need to talk further.


Active Member
Each of you would make a great librarian, and I know that you all certainly love lore enough to do it. However, I think that gabrosen has demonstrated his eagerness to become a more integral part of the server. I've seen him comment on almost every lore thread that's posted, and I greatly admire his persistence in trying to create his own. He is one of the few highly active veteran players who is not a staff member, and I think that being librarian would be a perfect post for him to contribute to Loka.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is considered too late a submission to request a position as a librarian. I've always been fascinated with lore. I've done my best to add to the lore of the server and hope to add even more in the future. One of my favorite pastimes recently has been to try and connect all the current lore being created into one bigger picture story.

I don't have the experience some of those above me do, and my lore stories aren't nearly as long but I still believe I'd be good for the position. I've read every single lore thread here and want to see others kindle their interest in lore and watch the flame grow. In my short time I've posted a large amount and hopefully I've proven my interest in the community is probably unhealthy to the point of obsession.

Either way though, you can count on the fact I'll probably be making many submissions to the library. :p
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Well-Known Member
Not sure if anything has been decided yet but I realized something while trying to recount history of Loka since I joined. I realized that my knowledge is highly limited to the happenings of Kalros simply because that is where I am most invested. As I would expect with all librarians, no matter how much they deny it, their home continent will receive more attention from them.

So regardless of who is picked I'd recommend at least 3 librarians, one from each of the continents.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anything has been decided yet but I realized something while trying to recount history of Loka since I joined. I realized that my knowledge is highly limited to the happenings of Kalros simply because that is where I am most invested. As I would expect with all librarians, no matter how much they deny it, their home continent will receive more attention from them.

So regardless of who is picked I'd recommend at least 3 librarians, one from each of the continents.

Well that depends on the person, I was never really focused one any specific continents, I was more so focused on town/ alliance lore. Also to add to this I have been in towns from all 3 continents. :p

Not to mention past lore from the previous world. :D


Well-Known Member
As I would expect with all librarians, no matter how much they deny it, their home continent will receive more attention from them.

Loka is a big place, and you can't be there for all of it. So getting more familiar with the history of your home continent is not only to be expected but is a benefit. If you can't call a continent home, you may find you don't catch as much of the history as someone who does.


Well-Known Member
Loka is a big place, and you can't be there for all of it. So getting more familiar with the history of your home continent is not only to be expected but is a benefit. If you can't call a continent home, you may find you don't catch as much of the history as someone who does.

As I said It depends on the person, I know tons of lore about what happened in the North as well as in the West because to be honest I was in the middle of these conflicts. Now the South is a totally different situation but we will leave it at that for now.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Just to keep everyone updated, I am waiting for the library to become functional before announcing the librarians. So hang tight for now :)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I am happy to announce the 3 Librarians we have chosen are Lazuli73, MiinecraftJedi127, gabrosen. I will contact you over the next few days to explain what your role will entail and how it all works. Sorry to those we didn't pick, it was a difficult choice. We may add more Librarians in the future but wanted to keep it to a small number to start off with.
may i apply for the job i ove reading and writing storys and i love to organize
i would absolutly would love to work for the library reading and organizing is my passion!!
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