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Suggestion Lore Update/Changes


Active Member
I think a lore update is needed and would really amplify the cosmetic stance on loka currently, and would probably generate some cash.

- Hex Codes on lore swords: Its been talked about and it seems like the technology is there, for those who don't know this would be a more expensive lore scroll option where you could actually chose different colors then the current set of codes (&1&2&3 etc.) by using hex codes.​
- Changing the color of foes slain: Why not, it would take the customization one step further.​
- Making lore scrolls an actual item: Instead of taking a sword to the librarian to lore, why not just make lore scrolls an actual item. This way they could be easily sold and traded on the market. It would also make Loring swords for people much easier because you could just give them the scroll for them to do it themselves.​
- Stat-Track Scrolls: Same thing as above but for stat tracking so you could stat track items for people.​
-1 cause you killed me in bare bones (+1 I love lilfros)
also how would the scrolls work as different items have many different prices from swords to blocks?
I think a lore update is needed and would really amplify the cosmetic stance on loka currently, and would probably generate some cash.

- Hex Codes on lore swords: Its been talked about and it seems like the technology is there, for those who don't know this would be a more expensive lore scroll option where you could actually chose different colors then the current set of codes (&1&2&3 etc.) by using hex codes.​
- Changing the color of foes slain: Why not, it would take the customization one step further.​
- Making lore scrolls an actual item: Instead of taking a sword to the librarian to lore, why not just make lore scrolls an actual item. This way they could be easily sold and traded on the market. It would also make Loring swords for people much easier because you could just give them the scroll for them to do it themselves.​
- Stat-Track Scrolls: Same thing as above but for stat tracking so you could stat track items for people.​
We want the ability to use obfuscate! +1
a new array of features that are obtainable via a currency that is better than shards but lesser than orbs and is tradable
- Hex Codes on lore swords: As said in the thread this is being worked on but is not trivial. It's at best incredibly tedious and challenging to use them in-game to make lore and at worst near impossible. As a result, we want to develop a web tool to help people create lores easily. Hex code lores will be slightly pricier but we won't charge by colour or lock off any colours from people.

- Changing the color of foes slain: This will probably happen (unless we find a good reason not to) , just not top of priorities now this second.

- Making lore scrolls an actual item: We will never do this. It's very blatantly EULA breaking and would also mean we would have to remove any free orbs from larger packages as people would be able to cheese the system and group together to buy a larger package and split it between them. We have no pay-to-win features and the only way we can monetize the server (which is getting very pricey to run) is cosmetics.
...which is getting very pricey to run...
Simple solution, put advertisements everywhere.

On ships, while being transported being continents, a crew member whispers to you a custom message about joining a town on that continent. Cost like a 200 orbs a week.

Or while waiting during those 15 seconds in pvp Duels because the opponent doesn't know about shift right clicking, have a map pop up in the players faces, advertising Foxy Brand Memes, costs 200 orbs a week.

Or at conquest, 1 minute to countdown, a sound advertisement plays in all speakers, accompanied by text, telling you why you'll lose, and you should just give up. Written and spoken by the opponent, checked for pg language of course. 600 orbs a day.

There are many ways to monetize Loka, you can even bring in outside advertisers.

this message is a joke.