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Added Lunar QOL Mods


Combo Counter - This mod just counts how many times you have a hit a player in a row, some people like it when the number rises (No advantage)
Reach Display - This mod shows you how far away you are from the player you're hitting, I understand why this is disabled as you could technically use it to help yourself know if they can recover from a combo (Specifically in a barebones kit, reach from players matters less in general Loka due to crits dmg)
Item Tracker - Similar to reach display, this mod lets you know if you pick up an item however it could be useful to knowing if you got pots or a set from a kill without opening your inventory, reasonable if kept disabled but also useful.
Fov Changer - For the people who for SOME REASON use dynamic FOV, this mod effectively affects the same of letting you know if you're sprinting/have speed from the fov however you can control the change. Understandable if disabled due to it well changing your FOV.


Other than item tracker (I believe it has some unfair advantages if you dont use lunar) this suggestion is good +1 from me!