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Suggestion Make Balak Docks red tag


Well-Known Member
balak docks should be red tag. i get that the main continent docks should be yellow tag as it helps new players not get cheesed into going to red tag when they want to go grind something or explore, but the reason people go balak is to place so i think it would make more sense for balak (big scary evil pvp war continent) to have red tag docks.

maybe add a message whenever somebody arrives to balak that tells them in chat that the zone outside docks is instant red tag if you are worried about newer players.
At least this is better than all the red tag end suggestions, but I still don't really see why balak docks should be made red tag. The tiles that you can place on are all red tag and if you want pvp just go to Zyre. Zyre is so much better than Balak ganks. Balak has mobs and 200-block deep oceans that people will just swim in forever. Zyre refunds potions and pearls and is overall a better place to fight for straight-up fights. I understand that some people want to be able to go gank alone, but if you go to 10v1 because you are bored you shouldn't complain that you die.
At least this is better than all the red tag end suggestions, but I still don't really see why balak docks should be made red tag. The tiles that you can place on are all red tag and if you want pvp just go to Zyre. Zyre is so much better than Balak ganks. Balak has mobs and 200-block deep oceans that people will just swim in forever. Zyre refunds potions and pearls and is overall a better place to fight for straight-up fights. I understand that some people want to be able to go gank alone, but if you go to 10v1 because you are bored you shouldn't complain that you die.
Mfw when wanting a fair fight or a chance to escape isnt allowed, like theres a reason people started using garama again more0. Also having multiple ganks going on at once is so much better and makes the server 10 times more fun than a single central gank, especially if you want 1v1s or just dont wanna have a big fight.