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Suggestion Make enchanting easier pls

Ive been enchanting the same shulker full of swords for the past 40 minutes and i only have half of them done. 😭 . Make enchanting luck better!!!!!


Well-Known Member
no cause I love enchanting and I think it's hella easy, I remember one time I went to RI reset after reset and brought a lot of diamonds, i then bought some xp and made like 40+ ganking sets (full armor prot4 unbr 3 ONLY + sharp5 + sharp 5+kb2 and pickaxe effi 5), the enchanting process probably took my like an hour and a half, how are you taking so long to enchant one shulker of swords...?


Well-Known Member
We need a town update that makes it easier for us to conscript our town mates to do menial tasks such as take out the garbage, grind, and enchant. Don't get me wrong, the NPC Fighters, love em, but we need to make it easier to convert some of them to do more loathsome jobs such as gathering mats and grinding.

@Cryptite when you fixing the NPC update? Everyone is just spamming Tier 2 warriors because nothing else is worth a T-Gen