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Suggestion Make fishing a town level


Active Member
If people attend fishing tournaments why not make it a town level too?

"fishing is a Lokan way of life" - Orphious


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! While their at it they should just redo the entire plugin. I would love to see a huge fishing overhaul with the ocean update! It’d be nice to see types of bait, maybe different lures, size and type based on where you’re fishing, etc.

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Active Member
Absolutely! While their at it they should just redo the entire plugin. I would love to see a huge fishing overhaul with the ocean update! It’d be nice to see types of bait, maybe different lures, size and type based on where you’re fishing, etc.

i think they have been talking about adding an ocean update since i joined loka (over three years ago). Suck it up and understand that you will never get an ocean update


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We've mentioned it in the past, but there are currently no plans to do this. It currently contributes to farming levels, although perhaps not as much as it should currently. This will be rectified when we work on towns. The mechanic is not in-depth enough to warrant an entire town level dedicated to it. We do have future plans to expand fishing, and when that happens it will contribute to solo levels of sorts. At that time we will evaluate whether this contributes to town levels or stays a completely separate mechanic.


Active Member
I love fishing and fishing tournaments: I have angler, master angler, and just got whaler! Yippie!