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No Plans to Implement make heads not burn in battlezone


Well-Known Member
hello guys so i was thinking about loka mc like i alway do and i realse that if i kill a pro pvp player like lornn or 36 S's in lava and if they get behead then the head would burn in the lava and i want the head of my favourite pro player so i think head shouldnt burn in battlezones like on the balak thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should just go to escrow instead of dropping in conquest.
i wouldn't go that far as that would eliminate the experience of randomly finding the head of a derpy minecraft skin placed on the ground during fight


Staff member
There isn't exactly a dearth of heads dropping around Loka. I don't think fighting inside of lava, which is already quite ridiculous (but fun to watch in spectator) should protect heads with a special coating of anti-fire protection.

Fight in a normal place, weirdos.


Well-Known Member
There isn't exactly a dearth of heads dropping around Loka. I don't think fighting inside of lava, which is already quite ridiculous (but fun to watch in spectator) should protect heads with a special coating of anti-fire protection.

Fight in a normal place, weirdos.
you make a good point, though the delivery was a bit mean but it's okay cryptite