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Make it so that diamonds+ can queue ranked at AS times


Active Member
Whenever I get diamond I cant queue ranked anymore because I live in Asia. It is only opened early morning for us and in the afternoon, at the time we actually get on. We cant queue ranked at all. So I just sit a diamond for a long while until somedays I wake up early enough to maybe queue 1 or 2 ranked duels.

In short, I am here to ask for second ranked vuln for Asian times.


Community Rep
So what are we supposed to do? Not every asian wakes up at 6am to queue ranked
The problem with creating a 3rd window for ranked is simply that there isn't enough ranked players to queue during those times, if it was created there would have to be a large amount of diamond+ players queuing at that time, which unfortunately is probably not the case, the whole point of ranked windows is to have a specified time for high rating ranked players to queue against each other quickly.


Active Member
The problem with creating a 3rd window for ranked is simply that there isn't enough ranked players to queue during those times, if it was created there would have to be a large amount of diamond+ players queuing at that time, which unfortunately is probably not the case, the whole point of ranked windows is to have a specified time for high rating ranked players to queue against each other quickly.
What about the high ranked asians..?


So the high ranked asians, just cant play ranked anymore?
theres not much to understand, theres like 15 high ranked asians and not all of them are q'ing at the exact same time
your average q time would be like 8 hours if this were to be implemented, making it litteraly impossible to make this work.


Active Member
theres not much to understand, theres like 15 high ranked asians and not all of them are q'ing at the exact same time
your average q time would be like 8 hours if this were to be implemented, making it litteraly impossible to make this work.
So I just dont play ranked for an entire season?