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No Plans to Implement Make The Loka Store in different Currencys,


Active Member
I think Loka should sell orbs and supporter in other currencys and maybe cheaper, 1 Dollar in some countrys is very expensive for an example in my country and supporter is very expensive for me and It could be nicer for more ppl not only me


Active Member
Oh definitely, a dollar in the US may be cheap for us in the US, but a dollar in another country is worth a lot more. +1
what i mean is lets say for an example 1 dollar for me is 3.60 and imagine that in a different country being even more, and people pay with their own currency and not dollar, Maybe its easier or something idk how to explain really


Well-Known Member
When you make a purchase in a currency other than your own, your bank will typically convert the transaction amount into your home currency.

And if you think about custom prices for each country, even Steam failed it.


Active Member
When you make a purchase in a currency other than your own, your bank will typically convert the transaction amount into your home currency.

And if you think about custom prices for each country, even Steam failed it.
Yeah i know i just forgot, but idk something should be changed its quite expensive


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Regional pricing is not really something we can support at our scale. We would have to implement a lot of safeguards to prevent a system like this from being abused and is also not supported by our current store. Also to my knowledge no other Minecraft server does this (including big bois like Hypixel). I appreciate it would make it more accessible for Lokans in certain parts of the world but as it stands the best we can do is try to support as many payment methods as possible.


Active Member
Regional pricing is not really something we can support at our scale. We would have to implement a lot of safeguards to prevent a system like this from being abused and is also not supported by our current store. Also to my knowledge no other Minecraft server does this (including big bois like Hypixel). I appreciate it would make it more accessible for Lokans in certain parts of the world but as it stands the best we can do is try to support as many payment methods as possible.
ye ive seen people abuse international currency on fortnite and get over 100 dollars worth of vbucks for like 8 dollars in Argentinian dollars