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No Plans to Implement Make warnings visible to the player


Active Member
The reason for is if you want to get us to stop doing something then let us know what were doing wrong it really doesn't make sense not to let the player whos been warned see what they've done wrong.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Whenever we warn a player, they are told about it either through a private message, mail or discord. We cannot make this information public as player notes often contain sensitive information. We also cannot make our notes on a player available to only that player as we use the notes system to track all sorts of things including any evidence of that player possibly using hacks etc. There is also an issue where players may (almost certainly will) use their own notes to brag and this could lead to people deliberately trying to be warned (kids be stupid).


Active Member
All a warning means is that you broke a rule and were told not to do it again so if someone warned you it means that, by definition, you were messaged in some way.

If you can't remember what you were warned for in the past then just read this and you won't have to worry about it: https://lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/loka-rules.475/
Well im saying this because when I made an unmute appeal besides it being hella early he Said I had "various warnings" but *I thought I had only 2-3 warnings since I only remember being mssged 2-3 times; And in another unmute appeal the person got up to 10 warnings which made me wonder how many I had so I think personally it would be better to have the player know the amount of warnings they have.
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Active Member
Whenever we warn a player, they are told about it either through a private message, mail or discord. We cannot make this information public as player notes often contain sensitive information. We also cannot make our notes on a player available to only that player as we use the notes system to track all sorts of things including any evidence of that player possibly using hacks etc. There is also an issue where players may (almost certainly will) use their own notes to brag and this could lead to people deliberately trying to be warned (kids be stupid).
Understandable it's just I come from towny/earth servers where you can see most warnings and I felt in some way that should be implemented so the player could know maybe just the number of warnings they have, also sorry for not chain replying idk how to