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No Plans to Implement Make Wood Logs a Daily Block


Active Member

Short and sweet I believe all types of wooden logs should be added to the daily block at spawn's dock. All types, besides oak, are a resource-restricted block. I do not believe it will affect trading or exploring in any way by adding it since the daily block is not a reliable/renewable source of wood but it is convenient. It would help to just have 8 pieces of dark oak wood in spawn for a small project rather than trying to find a trader to sell me stacks of it at a high price, and I can't imagine how much harder that is for smaller towns/new people. Please consider adding this as all the builders will benefit which makes the world pretty.



Well-Known Member
use the wood piles next to the dock blocks as daily wood
BITS today just sent 100 people to a single fight. If they asked all those people to just go get Dark Oak from the dock blocks, that's 800 logs that could be gotten in a single day.

Now imagine what Crypt said, but with basically double the number of logs. Unless if it becomes a weekly thing (weekly logs?), and oak is added. This would not be in the best interest of the economy.


Well-Known Member
BITS today just sent 100 people to a single fight. If they asked all those people to just go get Dark Oak from the dock blocks, that's 800 logs that could be gotten in a single day.
People don’t log on for anything besides left clicking on people with red names.
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