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Implement in Future Map arts!


New Member
Creating a new boat destination to an island were you rent with shards a plot for map art. Maybe the plot could even act like towns and get destroyed if you stop paying. Would allow some nice designs to complement our beautiful banners, and if priced well, and viewing the work it is; would make it a rare and exclusive item: your custom map art. Would be useful for towns, alliances, shops, posters...
With 1.15, map arts will hopefully become a lot easier with the ability to lock maps etc, I do enjoy being able to find map arts in the wild when exploring and feel a part of the map art-making process is finding a place in the world to build. It makes special maps rarer since it's so much work putting a map together and you're the cool kid if you own map art. Im working on a map art right now, its painful :p
Not to mention being able to buy an entire plot that's protected whether you have to pay for the area or not feels like it could be easily exploited. It's free storage room or free place to keep stuff and I'm not sure how to feel about things like that, defeats the point of conquest, raiding etc.

I do like this idea for the fact it prevents griefing on Loka. Map arts take up a huge amount of space (128 by 128 blocks in fact) and can really ruin the atmosphere of a biome when you suddenly see a map that's demolished its surroundings with a huge cube design. (whether I enjoy finding map arts or not they still don't stand out for good reasons).
Possibly instead of offering this as a paid rented zone, it could be a town perk where some sort of NPC invites you to their island where you get a huge plot for building maps. With the ability to lock maps you would be able to "refresh" the zone and maybe even choose the background colour. Hopefully, that could more justify the advantages of such a zone.

Personally I'm just waiting for the ocean to reset so i can go build them all somewhere out there xd
Interesting idea and definitely possible, I'm leaning towards there being more negatives than positives but I don't think it's an impossible implementation.
I've had this idea for a while, and I was thinking you could pay orbs to upload an image to a discord channel or something and you would get a map with it on in escrow. Could be something cheap like 25 orbs for one if you can't copy it.
I've always wanted to put posters up around terra, but I don't want to make a mess of the town to make one.
I've had this idea for a while, and I was thinking you could pay orbs to upload an image to a discord channel or something and you would get a map with it on in escrow. Could be something cheap like 25 orbs for one if you can't copy it.
I've always wanted to put posters up around terra, but I don't want to make a mess of the town to make one.
Thing is that would make an impressive task rather common. Map arts in minecraft are impressive cause they require a lot of work, and time.
Map arts are certainly something I would love to explore further. We have always talked about adding a build server to loka, where players could plan out towns and build a variety of things in plots. So perhaps tying this to map art when we eventually find time to do it could work well.

The other avenue I would like to explore would be a fancy way of uploading an image (to lokabot or the website) that we can turn into a map in-game. A bit like the maps at docks. There would obviously need to be some orb cost and I'm not sure of the logistics just yet, but would be a cool thing to have.