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Marbles and Sachs: Loka's First Bookstore


Marbles and Sachs
Calling all budding Authors, I am excited to announce a big project of mine that I've been ruminating over for quite some time: A Bookstore. Loka's lore is so rich and there are so many stories that deserve to be told. I love reading books in spawn, and it got me thinking. As fun as it is to read the books in the Aladran Library, there's nothing better than owning a copy for yourself, or even better, starting your own town Library. That's where a bookstore could come into play.

I am no great author, nor am I a keeper of lore. I would simply run the business side of things. If everything goes smoothly, Marbles and Sachs will have a permanent location in my home town of Silverhand that anyone may visit if they so choose; however, I imagine most of the sales would be made at large events such as tomorrow's wedding, or future PvP Tournaments, for example.

If the idea of writing a book to share with the rest of Loka interests you, read on.
Potential Authors, I'm talking to you now. Feel free to write on whatever topics you want to. From fight records to poetry to lore stories to town gossip to shopping lists. From authoritarian law books like The Laws of Arvik by the famous Bork Mork, to the historical Hilo's tale by the legendary Bat3415, all archetypes will be welcome at Marbles and Sachs. I sincerely encourage any and all genres/topics/styles so don't be shy. You got this.

There are very few rules regarding what may and may not be accepted to the shelves of Marbles and Sachs. I will personally read each submission and decide whether it deserves a spot or not based on the following:
  • Book Length. No book can be too long, but a one pager that says "SkU Is HaCkEr" obviously isn't going to cut it. Don't worry about the shortness too much if you are sure the book is a quality read.
  • Content. If it is against the rules for public chat, you probably shouldn't write it in your book. I personally don't mind couple curse words for flavor, but absolutely no sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.
  • Quality. Duh.
If the idea of having your literary works spread throughout Garama, Ascalon, and Kalros isn't enough to get that pen hand a-scrawlin', consider that half, that's right HALF, of all shard profits related to your works will be paid out to YOU, the original author. Authors will work with me to set a price that will vary from book to book. I also guarantee that no unauthorized copies of your works can be made, safeguarding the value of your hard work.

Also, for the first few submissions, I set up a job in spawn that hopefully works and will pay out a couple diamonds as thanks for being an early backer. Let me know what you guys think.
I can transfer “The Journal of N8SkilZZ” into book form and you can keep your diamonds and profits if you want. It’d be cool to see this go to all 3 continents eventually, but baby steps. Best of luck Marble!