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Suggestion Market QOL Changes


Well-Known Member
After running around my storage, I got the idea to start selling building blocks that I have extra of now that my build is mostly finished. I don't think that the current expiration time on the market is reasonable especially for low-priced items.

My suggestion is to increase the base expiration time and decrease this time as an item becomes more expensive. This is to prevent using the market as a safe deposit for items although I think most towns now are safe enough for this to not be a huge issue.

Building materials going for 4-8 shards a block is a reasonable price for the more exotic/expensive blocks and typically aren't the quickest to fly off the shelves when priced reasonably. Having the constantly relist a mass amount of blocks is a major pain and an overall hurt for the market economy.

As for escrow, I do not believe there's a "relist" option for expired sales. All duplicates of expired items (ex: 100 stacks of spruce logs) should combine into one slot in the escrow, prompting you to shift-click to relist or left-click to remove from the market and let you choose to drop or raise the price by a shard/percentage amount when in the menu.

Make expensive items (ex: lore swords) expire quickly (prevent secure storage of items)
Make cheap items (ex: building materials and restricted resources) expire slowly (promote the sale of cheap items)
Make Expired sales of the same type stack in escrow to not take up the whole menu.
Add Escrow relist option for expired sales with the option to raise/lower the price before relisting.
I think most towns now are safe enough for this to not be a huge issue.
I think this was added for the few that went inactive, had no town, and had not enough space for all of their stuff, so they put it on the market for huge prices so they could hold it there for a while
I think this was added for the few that went inactive, had no town, and had not enough space for all of their stuff, so they put it on the market for huge prices so they could hold it there for a while
I think that this would do a pretty good job at deterring that, but obviously, you can't prevent this entirely with a free market.
My suggestion is to increase the base expiration time and decrease this time as an item becomes more expensive. This is to prevent using the market as a safe deposit for items although I think most towns now are safe enough for this to not be a huge issue.
This is a really good solution to the problem at hand. I think the lowest tiers of items should be able to be listed for two months at the very least, if not more.
As for escrow, I do not believe there's a "relist" option for expired sales. All duplicates of expired items (ex: 100 stacks of spruce logs) should combine into one slot in the escrow, prompting you to shift-click to relist or left-click to remove from the market and let you choose to drop or raise the price by a shard/percentage amount when in the menu.
This would be an incredible thing to see and would save so much time for everyone. Huge +1 here.

Overall agree with these suggestions and I think they'd make the market so much better.
So many market facelift suggestions recently. I'd like to add to this it would be cool to have a arrow button to navigate in escrow pages.
I would love the market to be a place where there are tons of transactions. Eventually I think it would be really cool to have the ability to set a starting bid on an item rather than a solid number so there can be a bidding war for cool items. These kinds of QOL things make it so there is more incentive to use the market.

+1 for me.
Eventually I think it would be really cool to have the ability to set a starting bid on an item rather than a solid number so there can be a bidding war for cool items. These kinds of QOL things make it so there is more incentive to use the market.

This 100%, I've recommended this before and it's not our there suggestion. It does so much to help prices for products get established rather than the value of the item fluctuating from player to player.
I like Jakeman's idea with the bidding war, but at the same time why not have an actual auction house somewhere in spawn where you could bid on lore swords with a minimum bid and a minimum increment per bid. Have like a week per auction for prices to rack up? It won't be directly for the market, but more of a side thing.

Obviously not JUST lore swords, but it would PROBABLY mainly be for lore swords or lore items.
I like Jakeman's idea with the bidding war, but at the same time why not have an actual auction house somewhere in spawn where you could bid on lore swords with a minimum bid and a minimum increment per bid. Have like a week per auction for prices to rack up? It won't be directly for the market, but more of a side thing.

Obviously not JUST lore swords, but it would PROBABLY mainly be for lore swords or lore items.
or just an auction house that you can auction off MOST items