Age: 26
Current rank: Slicer
Which rank you are applying for: Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: I believe the Sentry serves as the eyes and ears for the admin ranks above them. They are meant to monitor the server for those that blatantly disregard chat rules or are suspected of abusing mods/hacks. Sentries also serve as a face for the server given it is the first administrative rank.
Why you think you should become this rank: I have been a dedicated player on Loka for some time. I am a mature adult with professional experience and support the server wholeheartedly. No matter the differences between any of the players in our little niche, we all want to see Loka thrive because it is a unique place and one we all love to play in. I want to help the server thrive in any way possible and would love to do so as a Sentry in addition to the building projects I've started with Sam and Alchemy. I have been a very active player and want to use my time constructively.
I've played MC for a long time and have been around a while to see the server itself grow and expand, seeing the place change like an adolescent in its awkward years. I think I could help usher new players into the experience and act as an impartial arbitrator in any issue with credentials to support the claim. Jargon aside, I just wanna help the server grow and do well.
When you started playing on the server: Appx. August, 2012
Time zone in relation to GMT: Eastern Standard Time (US East Coast)
How often do you play (hours a day/week): probably 32 hours/week and up. I've been one of the most active players as of late but most people have started coming back to play regularly again now that the holidays are closing.
Current rank: Slicer
Which rank you are applying for: Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: I believe the Sentry serves as the eyes and ears for the admin ranks above them. They are meant to monitor the server for those that blatantly disregard chat rules or are suspected of abusing mods/hacks. Sentries also serve as a face for the server given it is the first administrative rank.
Why you think you should become this rank: I have been a dedicated player on Loka for some time. I am a mature adult with professional experience and support the server wholeheartedly. No matter the differences between any of the players in our little niche, we all want to see Loka thrive because it is a unique place and one we all love to play in. I want to help the server thrive in any way possible and would love to do so as a Sentry in addition to the building projects I've started with Sam and Alchemy. I have been a very active player and want to use my time constructively.
I've played MC for a long time and have been around a while to see the server itself grow and expand, seeing the place change like an adolescent in its awkward years. I think I could help usher new players into the experience and act as an impartial arbitrator in any issue with credentials to support the claim. Jargon aside, I just wanna help the server grow and do well.
When you started playing on the server: Appx. August, 2012
Time zone in relation to GMT: Eastern Standard Time (US East Coast)
How often do you play (hours a day/week): probably 32 hours/week and up. I've been one of the most active players as of late but most people have started coming back to play regularly again now that the holidays are closing.