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Implement in Future Mastery Leaderboard Chat Notifications


Community Manager
There's already a neat leaderboard area, near the capital halls. I've recently been levelling up my town, and have a (minor) suggestion. I thought it could be cool to have chat notifications whenever a town ranks up on the leaderboards. Just extra fun information, and could add a little more competitiveness to levelling up masteries. I don't see why not!
Would make sense with an uncapped system or something but masteries are capped to 99 so anyone who gets there sits on the top. I don't think it's even based on who had the level longer so people with older towns who tie with another town go on top (I think). If a redesign came along where town masteries were either not capped or altered in a way to allow competition on maybe a monthly basis like a 'Whoever gets the most Farming xp this month wins' disregarding whether the town is maxed etc could maybe allow for competition.
I think what Kaph said is a pretty neat idea, (especially since Falkenburg can level up in excavation with little to no trouble, due to the biome we're in)