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McDanky Ban Appeal

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Active Member
Hello fellow Lokans! As you know I’m a very active member of the Lokan community and cherish it so dearly. I recently, however, have been banned for “exaggerated swagger.” I would like to counter that my swagger has not been exaggerated and can’t be proved otherwise. I would also like to add here the disrespect I was served when appealing. Getting responses like “What are you talking about?”, “You are so swag what”, and “You’re not banned lol.” Please consider +100 this post because without me who else will stream Yuletide quests, don’t answer that it’s rhetorical.

Peace, love, violence, and hate,



Well-Known Member
-1 McDanky is the most dangerous player I've ever seen on Loka. His swagger is almost impossible to comprehend. He cannot come back to Loka under any circumstance. Please do not +1 this, you don't understand what you're doing.
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