Age: 16
Current Rank: sentry
Applying for: guardian
What do you think is expected of this rank: To not abuse any of the power given, help all players with there problems, give players information if asked and to make sure everyone sticks to the server rules.
Why do you think you should become this rank: I have been on this server for almost 2 years now so i think i have had enough experience and trust to have this rank, i have also been this rank befor but forgot to reapply when the ranks were reset. As a sentry at the moment i dont feel i should be this low of a rank as there a lot of newer players getting it and i know i am a lot more trusted than them.
When did you join the server: i joined in 2011 in febuary
Time zone: GMT:0 (uk)
How often do you play: I offten play around 30-60 hours a week depending on any projects going on.
Current Rank: sentry
Applying for: guardian
What do you think is expected of this rank: To not abuse any of the power given, help all players with there problems, give players information if asked and to make sure everyone sticks to the server rules.
Why do you think you should become this rank: I have been on this server for almost 2 years now so i think i have had enough experience and trust to have this rank, i have also been this rank befor but forgot to reapply when the ranks were reset. As a sentry at the moment i dont feel i should be this low of a rank as there a lot of newer players getting it and i know i am a lot more trusted than them.
When did you join the server: i joined in 2011 in febuary
Time zone: GMT:0 (uk)
How often do you play: I offten play around 30-60 hours a week depending on any projects going on.