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Mesalon Ban Appeal

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New Member
IGN: Mesalon

Ban length: A Week

Why were you banned?: World Download

Why should we unban you?: I recently found out about Loka and since then it's been the only server i play on, investing up to 10 hours a day of my time into this amazing game, this has truly been the best server i have ever played on. Me being a usual pvper, I'm used to using pvp mods to help me (and i know world download isn't a pvp mod, but I was used to being able to use minor non-advantageous mods), and I understand that this isn't an excuse for breaking the rules of the server.

But thinking that it can't cause harm to anybody, I decided to download my old town's base because I was curious what was inside of the chests in some of the off-access rooms. I also know that the ban is only 7 days long, and I would usually just wait this time off, but my some of my friends recently started playing and I would love to play with them and not fall behind on whatever they're doing.
Thank you for considering this appeal <3
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Active Member
-1 it’s a week ban. calm down. itll be over soon. Anyways on the other hand. why don’t you make it so you can’t appeal unless it’s perm banned


Well-Known Member
-1 its a good lesson to be learned, he was new and meant no harm, but the ban isnt that long. Hopefully you can enjoy the server once your ban is up though :D
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