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Mid Yuletide Mystery

Which theory is most plausible?

  • Theory One

  • Theory Two

  • Theory Three

  • Theory Four

  • Theory Five

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Active Member
It's Yuletide time on Loka, and everyone is excited about the gifts and quests. However, today I found something terribly shocking. Flora has gone missing! Here is a picture of her last known whereabouts.

Currently, there are multiple people working together to find her however we need your help! We have multiple theories on what happened to her, and we want to know which one makes the most sense.

Theory One: The Gingerbread Man head killed Flora because he's a crazy psychopath on the lose, looking for people to purge from the world. Flora just happened to be his first victim of the season, so we better watch out folks!

Theory Two: The Penguins killed Flora on accident since they like to slide everywhere they may have accidentally slid on top of her. As she would lay there on the dirt, snow would cover her up, leaving nothing but snow until the spring to come.

Theory Three: DeceitfulPear killed Flora. He was jealous of how npcs get free stuff from players and wanted to experience the feeling himself. He then decided to take her place after brutally killing her and hiding her in a hole at spawn. That's why he is seen standing in her place in this picture.

Theory Four: The Aladran Guard killed Flora. He was upset that he was punished for tping Flora's house and decided to take it out on her. He believed getting rid of her would quench his thirst for revenge, but the reality is, is it just started his revenge story. He's going to be going on a rage killing until someone stops him. It's why we need to set up a aladra watch for any suspicious activity from the man.

Theory Five: This is the best explanation for a theory. Tasp killed Flora. Tasp had already been stated to dislike Flora, and she didn't take it too well that Flora was trying to frame her for the tping of her house. However, that wasn't the only reason she killed Flora. She had already grown a thirst for killing during the Halloween event, and she decided her next victim would be a personal grudge she held. She invited Flora to her attic where she brutally murdered her. We believe one of the heads in Tasp's attic is Flora's based off of the flower crown on the skull's head since Flora liked flowers. It can be seen here. Since this is the theory I believe in most, I suggest we hold Taps accountable and put her in prison.

I hope you all vote on which theory is most plausible, so we can hopefully catch the person or thing responsible for this heinous crime.


Active Member
This is a mystery update: It seems as if the penguins are in a cult. They most likely killed Flora in order to perform their ritual. You can see them worshipping here with blood on the ground.


Well-Known Member
Interesting but I also have reason to believe that Byran is to blame!

Byran always gets everything wrong. For example he thought that Nether's Eve was the Yuletide and now he thinks it's Easter. He even spells his own name wrong, It's supposed to be Bryan. Flora can't be dead because the artifact would have brought her back. No I believe that Byran has mistaken Giving gifts to people with giving people as gifts. Flora is just the first. The contents of the giant presents at spawn could not be more clear now. We must conduct a full scale investigation at once. Another possibility is he has hidden her in an egg, the whereabouts unknown but may become clear come Easter.

Right or wrong, I believe a search should be dispatched for Flora at once. A private investigator should be hired immediately, as well. I think we all know @jibblypop is the right man for the job.


Well-Known Member
I think cryptcode did it
Flora was such a functional piece of code and the cryptcode got jealous and killed her


Active Member
Murder Update: Unallowed messaged me this fine afternoon notifying that there has been a cover-up! Flora's last known whereabouts have been cleaned so there is nothing left in the area. You can see an updated pic here. I hope we can still find the culprit even though the higher-ups are trying to stop us!


Active Member
Update! We found Flora's location a while ago however I have the sad news that we are unable to get to her! She is far below the library where we cannot access her! I can only imagine it was the staff's doing! I hope we will be able to reach her some point in the future but until then, I'll be off!


Active Member
No, her nametag was found beneath the library, and there is no proof other than blood being there which hasn't had tests done to see if that blood is in fact hers.