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Mindblaster007's Ban Appeal

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Well-Known Member
I see where you are coming from but he asked me if I would rather be banned. I responded with "yeah", however, this was in a joking manner. I basically told him to ban me and that was the reason he did so; he asked me. I've maintained a good record ever since I was unbanned and all I'm asking if for a little bit of leniency. I understand that what I did was wrong but I already paid my time for the mutes. Skuhoo asked me if he needed to make sure I cooled off, I responded with "Yes". While he was typing the ban command I was telling him I was just joking about needing a ban. I was legit two seconds away from logging off. I don't think this ban is fair for being a kind, active member of this community who gets along with almost everyone he meets.


Well-Known Member
To all Sentries,
I would like to apologize for the unreasonable temper tantrum that I caused in the chat earlier. I was just pissed because I want to maintain the clean record I've had. Ever since my ban removal I've tried to find ways to repay the community. However, it's extremely hard when you've been permanently banned for three months. I would just like some leniency this once and have my ban removed. There are people, friends, that are depending on me to keep my town running. I can't do so while I'm banned.


Active Member
I don't think this ban is fair for being a kind, active member of this community who gets along with almost everyone he meets.
I honestly don't see where you get this, since most of the time I've seen you in chat it's been profanity-laden rubbish. I can't answer for whether or not you get along with most people, but you've certainly never been kind to me and I haven't seen you enough to know if you're kind to other people.
There are people, friends, that are depending on me to keep my town running. I can't do so while I'm banned.
Then you shouldn't have done this to them by being a complete idiot. You brought this on them, the staff team didn't. I apologize if any of this came off as overly harsh or mean, but I'm just saying what I feel needs to be said.


Well-Known Member
I see where you are coming from but he asked me if I would rather be banned. I responded with "yeah", however, this was in a joking manner. I basically told him to ban me and that was the reason he did so; he asked me. I've maintained a good record ever since I was unbanned and all I'm asking if for a little bit of leniency. I understand that what I did was wrong but I already paid my time for the mutes. Skuhoo asked me if he needed to make sure I cooled off, I responded with "Yes". While he was typing the ban command I was telling him I was just joking about needing a ban. I was legit two seconds away from logging off. I don't think this ban is fair for being a kind, active member of this community who gets along with almost everyone he meets.
You disrespected the staff, and CONTINUED TO DO SO when they told you to stop. The whole exchange was pretty much you cussing in public chat, then when sentries told you to stop you gave them the crap about “studying for biology”. Then when sku got on and saw what was happening, he told you to walk away. You then proceeded to CHALLENGE what he just said, as soon as you saw he was actually doing it, you called it a joke. This never would have happened if you had just realized that THIS IS THEIR SERVER. IT IS NOT YOURS. IF YOU BREAK A RULE, THEY HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BAN YOU FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
Honestly, with your past I think this deserves a longer ban. It’s morning, I’m tired, and on mobile so my grammar may be trash. Tysm for listening to my TED talk.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think anyone would really tell you this but when it comes to bans you disagree with sometimes it's better to just accept the minor time instead of arguing about it. I've been in this position before and it's extremely hard to come to an amicable conclusion with everybody. The best case scenario in a lot of these is to privately messaged the person who banned you and explain what happened.


Staff member
You simply don't seem to have any concept of the fact that actions have consequences. You have repeatedly, time and time again, violated rules, then been absolutely astounded that you are punished for them. It doesn't seem that you learn, so I can only see longer tempbans or perhaps a final ban in your future if you cannot learn to follow our rules.


Well-Known Member
You simply don't seem to have any concept of the fact that actions have consequences. You have repeatedly, time and time again, violated rules, then been absolutely astounded that you are punished for them. It doesn't seem that you learn, so I can only see longer tempbans or perhaps a final ban in your future if you cannot learn to follow our rules.
This is all ridiculous. I'm not the only one with this problem, many others are sick of getting muted for reasons that are crazy. For example, the other day @Johann_Pachelbel got a five minute mute for teasing our close friend for misspelling a word. Also, I said, "F*** you" and "God damn you" after I was muted and @OtakuBookWorm said those words were allowed. I, as well as many others, are seeing this as a major issue that needs fixing. Did anyone else realize that there is no chat filter at all? Also, not to mention my religion, Satanism, was approved the other day. Has anyone else realized how out of wack this server's rules are? I also see other staff members saying "s**t" all the time so, yeah.


Well-Known Member
I could go along and name instances all day long where people were wrongfully muted. However, whenever anyone says anything about it they get banned on the spot for one to three days.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't see where you get this, since most of the time I've seen you in chat it's been profanity-laden rubbish. I can't answer for whether or not you get along with most people, but you've certainly never been kind to me and I haven't seen you enough to know if you're kind to other people.

Then you shouldn't have done this to them by being a complete idiot. You brought this on them, the staff team didn't. I apologize if any of this came off as overly harsh or mean, but I'm just saying what I feel needs to be said.
lmfao, I've tried but whenever I try to talk to you get extremely pissed off over me killing your seven-year-old brother on accident six months ago.


Well-Known Member
This is all ridiculous. I'm not the only one with this problem, many others are sick of getting muted for reasons that are crazy.
First that I heard of it. I wish these people would come forward with their issues so they can be addressed, but until they do I really don't believe you. You don't have the best track record and I ask anyone with an issue to please let staff know.

For example, the other day @Johann_Pachelbel got a five minute mute for teasing our close friend for misspelling a word.
If they got muted they probably were doing more than simply teasing. Staff has a good sense of humor and knows the difference (most of the time. We aren't perfect we're still human).

Also, I said, "F*** you" and "God damn you" after I was muted and @OtakuBookWorm said those words were allowed.
No... just... no. She never once said that. You must've misunderstood what she said because I know Otaku and she wouldn't make a blatant mistake like that.

I, as well as many others, are seeing this as a major issue that needs fixing. Did anyone else realize that there is no chat filter at all? Also, not to mention my religion, Satanism, was approved the other day. Has anyone else realized how out of wack this server's rules are?
Where's your proof of "many others"? Only person I've been seeing having trouble with these simple rules is you honestly. Also, religion approval is handled by Crypt I believe. Pretty sure there's a set rule that real world religions won't be accepted and I don't see your religion on the list. If you have a holy site it must be a bug of some sort. I'd be surprised if it was accepted.

I also see other staff members saying "s**t" all the time so, yeah.
Even if this is true, just because someone else is breaking a rule doesn't mean you should as well. Voice chats are more lax in these rules. If its on discord, sometimes things slip because we're all human but since you aren't on the discord I have no clue where you're talking about. I can guarantee that no profanity that is against the rules will be seen on the server from a staff member. We all have a good filter while we're logged on. If its in town/alliance chats its allowed. If its in other discords its allowed. Public chat on the server is not allowed.

If you would read the rules you would understand this all. I will not explain this further to you. Read and learn the rules or stop arguing that you didn't break any. You didn't even know that x-ray wasn't permitted and had to ask in public chat. We are not responsible for reminding you of rules, we simply do it out of kindness and giving the benefit of the doubt. That patience wears thin and you eventually run out of chances. You have 2 more days to read the rules and to learn the rules. I suggest you do that instead of arguing points that hold no ground.

I will not entertain you further on this.


Staff member
These are all just bold-faced lies. Who are you trying to fool? Absolutely nobody has been muted for misspelling a word, Otaku has never told you that the f-word is okay to use, and no religion named Satanism has been approved.

You were not tempbanned "on the spot" for arguing about your mute. You were given multiple chances to leave it alone and you persisted. I have half a mind to extend your ban for trying to spread lies like this.


Staff member
Quite frankly, I'm curious. Do you have any proof to support anything you've said at all?


Active Member
For example, the other day @Johann_Pachelbel got a five minute mute for teasing our close friend for misspelling a word.

I was on while this was happening, Johann_Pachelbel received a mute for referencing Nazi propaganda/quotes. He simply used the excuse that another player (who was also muted) misspelled something like Nazi (can't remember exactly what the word was). Given the context and his response, it was more than just a funny jab at spelling mistakes. I would, in fact, argue that five minutes is too short for these types of things.


Active Member
Hey, I decided to write because my name was up in the air. I think you need to really use these days off to cool down and read the rules :). I really liked the gesture of apologizing to us staff members after you're banned, however, I wish that sentiment could have been reached when we warned you. Sentries have no ill will towards people we warn. In fact, we only wish for you to understand that it is our job to uphold server rules and hope you take our advice. However, you didn't share this sentiment and continued to use the word we politely asked you to stop using. Ignoring a mute two times and continuing the behavior makes me believe that you deserved the ban you were given. In fact, the fact that you lashed out after being told you would not be unbanned only shows that you still need time to relax and learn from this situation :).

Finally, with me saying it was okay to use that word is simply false, I have told many people to avoid using curse words in public chat including it being censored with **. I have no idea where you got this idea from, but I kindly ask you to not throw my name around for no reason.

Otaku Out!
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Active Member
lmfao, I've tried but whenever I try to talk to you get extremely pissed off over me killing your seven-year-old brother on accident six months ago.
Look, that's in the past, and I haven't thought about that for months. I don't really see why you're bringing it up, it makes absolutely zero sense and doesn't help your point. I don't like talking to you because of your overall behavior, which I find disgusting.


Well-Known Member
I remember being told that irl religions aren't approved when a friend of mine tried to do christianity and I was wondering why it wasn't approved. This, I would say, is staff inconsistency.

It was never approved. As has been concluded multiple times in this thread, Mindblaster is simply spreading random lies.


Well-Known Member
I was on while this was happening, Johann_Pachelbel received a mute for referencing Nazi propaganda/quotes. He simply used the excuse that another player (who was also muted) misspelled something like Nazi (can't remember exactly what the word was). Given the context and his response, it was more than just a funny jab at spelling mistakes. I would, in fact, argue that five minutes is too short for these types of things.
He was teasing SMP for making those references.
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