You speak of the Rejuvenating Isles?
The Isle of fire is a rather mysterious land and the creatures that live there even more mysterious. All of them do no fear fire as you and I do. The seem complete unphased by the heat and the flames to not cling to them as they do us. I can only imagine that the Ancients, who have shaped the world around us, are the ones behind their miraculous abilities. How else could such a large creature fly? Or creatures with skin like ours not burn? Even more, the plants that grow there, this fire bush, seems to feed on the land itself. No such plants exist anywhere else. My only thoughts are of the Ancients. With powers that both trap us here and keep us breathing, only they could create such a place. As for its purpose, I do not know. One thing is for certain, the Ancients meant for us to find it and all that comes of our time their is for a reason.
The second Isle, this isle in the void. Seemingly at the end of the world itself. I always wish to see where it takes me but as the airship departs my eyes weigh heavy and I drift to sleep. Without someone to man the ship, its rather strange we assume it will bring us anywhere at all. And yet, through some magic it comes and goes at regular intervals. As always, the work of the Ancients is undoubtedly at play. As for the Isle itself, I believe it to be a proving ground of sorts. Of the few things we truly know of the Ancients, it is that they wish us to grow stronger. To prove ourselves in battle and hone our skills. This Isle of end is one of their great training grounds, with a massive beast with regenerative powers for us to slay in glorious combat. There truly is no greater way to prove oneself in battle. It is this, this proving ground, that the Isle of end is meant to be. The attraction the Endermen show to it however, baffles me. I see their resemblance to the Dragon but in all ways they are different.
Perhaps in time the mystery of these lands will be unlocked. Ancients willing, our destinies will unfold and we will be shown the way forward. Until then I will use what has been provided to train and hone myself both on and off the battlefield. My life will honor those Ancients that watch over and protect us. All glory to the Ancient Ones.
As for these horses. Again their mysterious appearance baffles me. Docile creatures as they are, I've grown a custom to their presence and it no longer unnerves me. All be it, the strikes of light that bring them to life can still give me quite the fright!