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Added Mod suggestion Crosshair mods


New Member
Crosshair mods are good IMO
they don't add a lot to the table but it's good. One good common feature of crosshair mods like https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/custom-crosshair-mod are is that The crosshair changes color when you look at a entitity. If it's a passive Mob it's green, if hostile mobs then red and players are also red If you have any worries about it being Not fair well then look at a entity in vanilla, it'll show you the sword cooldown bar, this is practically the same thing but better.. You can change the crosshair by width height Gap and practically anything.
Here are some screenshots
I feel like this mod and other mods like this are fine,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
IMO it's not as easy to see, this is far easier and makes me disagree with this being added
Given the ability to change the indicator look with resource packs, and invis particle packs, I don't think its really giving an advantage over those.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
As SilentStormSix and op pointed out, vanilla minecraft shows the sword cooldown below the crosshair when within striking distance of an invis player. This could easily be made more visible with a resource pack. As a result, there is nothing this mod does that provides a noticeable advantage that you can't do in vanilla. Therefore we are ok approving this mod.