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Suggestion Modify the Increase town balance buff


Well-Known Member
Increase town balance buff costs 40cp and adds 500 shards to your town balance, with the new town balance cost its not woth to buy it anymore. Change it to 2k or something fair.

It's something similar to the other suggestion I made a few weeks ago (and was implemented).

It's something similar to the other suggestion I made a few weeks ago (and was implemented).

To clarify, your previous suggestion had already been in the game for over 6 years. We just don't have a forum tag for "this suggestion is already implemented".
All of the buffs were balanced with one another based on shard value, cost and how easy it is to obtain said shards (this one being the easiest as it just gives them to you as opposed to the double diamond RI buff which takes time investment). Therefore if we were to buff this we would also need to buff all of them, which may be somewhat counter-intuitive as it would offset the town cost increase. We could certainly give them all a second pass using the data we have collected on them at some point, just not top of the priority list atm.