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Moosebobby Appeal #4

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In-game name: Moosebobby

Ban length:

Why were you banned?:

1st Ban
IGN: Moosebobby
Banned By: Grubul
Reason: “Talking about Hitler and the holocaust being fake, building swastikas, fly hacking, Trolling, Talking about nazis, and caught X-raying”

2nd Ban
IGN: Adzb13
Banned By: Cryptite
Reason: Alting

Why should we unban you?:
I've made a severe and continuous in my judgement and I don't expect to be forgiven, I'm simply here to apologize. So what we did that day on Loka was obviously unplanned and the reactions that you saw were raw, they were unfiltered. I didn't know how to react, or how to feel. I should've never done it. I should've stopped it instantly. There are a lot of things I should've done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the Community, I want to apologize to anyone affected by my words and actions, but most importantly I want to apologize to the staff. For any members defending my actions, please don't. They do not deserve to be defended. My goal has always been to have a good time with everyone, to help everyone, and in almost everything I do, the intent was never to hurt the server. Like I've said, I've made a huge mistake, I don't expect to be forgiven, I'm just here to apologize. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm disappointed in myself. And I promise to be better, no - I will be better. Thank you.

- Moosebobby
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