Age: 20
Current rank: Slicer
Which rank you are applying for: Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: Expected to know the rules and be helpful around the community when others are in need. When no overseers (mopb3 ) or guardians are on to server as a moderator of the chat.
Why you think you should become this rank: I personal think I am ready for the extra responsibility, and able to take on this extra workload.
When you started playing on the server: End of June 2012.
Time zone in relation to GMT: CST (GMT-6) CDST (GMT-5)
How often do you play (hours a day/week): at least 2 hours per day. More on weekends.
Current rank: Slicer
Which rank you are applying for: Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: Expected to know the rules and be helpful around the community when others are in need. When no overseers (mopb3 ) or guardians are on to server as a moderator of the chat.
Why you think you should become this rank: I personal think I am ready for the extra responsibility, and able to take on this extra workload.
When you started playing on the server: End of June 2012.
Time zone in relation to GMT: CST (GMT-6) CDST (GMT-5)
How often do you play (hours a day/week): at least 2 hours per day. More on weekends.