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Implement in Future More compact town beacon.


Well-Known Member

As you can see in the piceture above - redstone blocks are under lamps, and then glass over. Making the beacon 3 blocks high. If its placed in places like towers or in a house - floors, it would stick under floor, or be elevated alot.

So my simple suggestion is
- put one redstone block inbetween all the lamps - under gold block. And it would be a layer more compact!


Well-Known Member
Beacon reffering to the thing that warps you into fights? I like the big one. You know you can customize it right?


Well-Known Member
He means putting one redstone lamp inbetween the lamps to make it more compact, yes you can customize it but the minimum blocks you need are the glass, gold block, button, lamps and redstone blocks


Well-Known Member
The things visible in the piceture cannot be customised - and they take 3 blocks vertically .

If they take the 4 redstone blocks, and just reduce it to 1 and put it in the middle, it would decrease the height by a whole block.

Great to have it if you want to place the beacon inside a Building that has a 1 block thick floor.