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Consider Implementing More Customized Kits in /pvp


Well-Known Member
To start off, we all have our very own preferences when it comes to how we like to PvP and what we use. Some like to use an axe for an initial crit then to a sword for the overall best DPS. Some like to have a bow purely for Punch 2 in order to create distance to repot safely. Some like just have a sword and a whole lot of pots. Other time's we wanna go in smacking people with steak and all Thorns III armor for fun and to see what happens.

While personally I'd rather not support that last mentality, I do think an important part regarding PvP across all of Minecraft is that people have preferences. And I think forcing all of us to have the same inventory is a big step back in any competitiveness. While to some a single wasted inventory slot isn't that big of a deal, for more evenly matched fights that draw on to drain all resources that inventory slot could be the big difference and test of skill regarding PvP, planning itself, and a part that is overlooked by many, resource management. Should I run and pot to get health or should I make distance and eat steak/golden carrots and allow saturation to heal me? Its those kinds of situations that can be rewarding in the long run.

Regardless of the competitiveness that comes from it, it is just purely good to encourage people to practice on Loka itself rather than having to setup their own servers. If being able to pick from an array of items to create your preferred load-out was implemented it encourages activity and drives people to test new strategies out. For many reasons I think it would just be better overall to allow this level of customization. Especially with PvP Season 5 around the corner and the promise of continuous seasons. Everyone will still be at a level playing field because anyone can make the load-out however they like and not have wasted inventory slot(s).

At the very least, I would personally enjoy having equal sets of all buffs. Also, I don't know if anyone else still has it but I still have a Fire Res pot in my inventory despite the fact that Fire Aspect was removed from all the weapons in /pvp

I also want this suggestion to open up conversation about exactly what items we would like to see be an option to add to your loadout within /pvp so that way if this does get implemented, they know what exactly we would like to have as an option to add to our inventories. I think to open up new players to Loka's unique style of PvP we need to let them start with what they're comfortable with rather than giving them this set amount of resources that they have to use and it would be a healthy way to bridge the gap for all players, including the most grizzled of combat veterans set in their ways to the most pointy of eared elves who just want to build.


Staff member
Traditionally, what are the limits of your loadout on your average Kit PvP server? Are you free to just have as many of the items-on-signs as you want? If you so chose to bring an inventory of full Regen II, could you? How do they handle gear, or is that standardized? What are the types of signs (potion options) that they generally offer?


Well-Known Member
Traditionally, what are the limits of your loadout on your average Kit PvP server? Are you free to just have as many of the items-on-signs as you want? If you so chose to bring an inventory of full Regen II, could you? How do they handle gear, or is that standardized? What are the types of signs (potion options) that they generally offer?
Actual Kit PvP servers have more of setclasses and don't just give everyone full diamond everything so there is some amount of "balance" but that isn't exactly what I believe should become a thing. I think we should have some array of preset inventories with a mixture of buffs, weapons, and possibly debuffs though it does get a bit complicated since everyone has their own strategy that they want to test out. The general loadout that I am aware of (not counting fire res since Fire Aspect is removed from /pvp) would be:

Steak or Golden Carrots (Give option)
Chest Plate w/ or w/o Thorns 2 (Obviously the rest of the Prot 4 god set of armor)
1 Sword
4 Strength Pots
4 Regen Pots
4 Speed Pots
Fill w/ Health Pots

That however is simply what it seems everyone has give or take a few buffs depending on personal preference but the general consensus is having an equal amount of buffs across the board I believe. I think there should be a set amount of "Utility Pots" and you can choose a mixture of buffs and debuffs.

Now to things that people add as more utility that I have seen:
1 other weapon (Bow with Infinity+Punch2, KB2 Sword, rarely I see an axe)
1 Arrow (If with a bow)
Stack of arrows with some kinda of debuff
1 Shield (Unbreaking 3)
Enderpearls (If its wanted to have them in arenas)
Cobwebs (If its wanted to have them in arenas)

An idea, if its possible to make such a thing, would be to have a select amount of items under separate categories and you are allowed a maximum of X items within that category. Then at the end of picking those mixture of various buffs, debuffs, weapons, etc, the rest of your inventory gets filled with health pots. Exactly how much of this would need to be discussed and I think it would be best to consult the wide arrange of PvPers on Loka with what would be best to give freedom while also not having people just trolling (which obviously is inevitable but if you just fill your inventory with Poison 2 then you aren't going to really be able to do much in general so it self balances). Its just an idea to cutback on the chaos of allowing players to do whatever in arenas while also opening freedom to explore new horizons within PvP. Would appreciate opinions of actual PvPers instead of just the many 2 cents of a Golem Boi though since all of my thoughts are primarily observations


Well-Known Member
Here's what i think it should be, with the same enchants everything has now. (But put fire back on the sword pls)



Well-Known Member
Oh, and let them choose between the sword/shield, or replace the shield or bow with an axe option.


Staff member
Arena pvp isn't kit pvp, though. The idea is that everyone you duel has the same gear as you so it's only skill that determines the winner, rather than knowledge of the kit customization's meta. I haven't spent much time on pvp duel servers, but from what I did see, customization is pretty much nonexistent there. Maybe as a separate, unranked variant of PG we could add more customization options but I think potpvp ranked and unranked duels can't have customization further than inventory layout.