How about after certain points of great accomplishment, people get certain titles, of course these will be very hard to get, so that its an accomplishment to get, will give some examples below.
Name: the Conquerer
Type: Suffix
Requirements: Win 500 (idk if this is too low, this is just a number that can be changed though) conquest battles
Name: the Slaughterer
Type: Suffix
Requirements: Kill 250 Unique Players 5 times.
You seeing what I mean? These aren't meant to be easy, but a worthy venture.
Name: the Conquerer
Type: Suffix
Requirements: Win 500 (idk if this is too low, this is just a number that can be changed though) conquest battles
Name: the Slaughterer
Type: Suffix
Requirements: Kill 250 Unique Players 5 times.
You seeing what I mean? These aren't meant to be easy, but a worthy venture.