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Moskito’s Note block Company !


Active Member
Hello everyone! In the past year or so I have been learning and experimenting with note blocks, creating songs and stuff for my town and just for fun. I thought that other people could want to have note block songs for their town, or to add to a resource pack, or for whatever reasons really. So here is:

Moskito’s Note block Company !

What is that?

You want a Note block song? music or beat or whatever? For random reasons? You'd like a theme for your town, or a custom song in your resource pack? you came to the right place. I will create you the perfect note block song for anything you need. From Nyan cat remixes to epic boss themes, just tell me what you need, and I'll find a way to make it.

How to contact me?
Message me on discord at DisturbedMoskito#4537 , we'll have a talk about what you want.

Pricing: Varies depending of projects. Might even be free if I enjoy doing it :D

Portfolio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ZUU3ZXxYapiZuJ5vpBmmg?view_as=subscriber
only two songs for now, but I will add a few I made during the week end.

Hope some people finds interest!

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Active Member
Hello again!
Custom resource packs !

I announce that Moskito's Note Block Company will know put music, any music, and I make you a custom resource pack for your songs, so you can hear them in the game real fast. Super simple.

How does it work?
So you wake up one day, wanting to have Darude Sandstorm playing in your lokamc town? Well, now that's possible! Just send me the song you want, YouTube meme, mp3 file, Spotify song, anything. And I, will send you a resource pack. You, simply put that resource pack in your resource pack folder, put it on on Minecraft, and Voilà! Now, the disc you choose will play your song! Its that simple! Amazing no?
Of course, if you want to have a Note Block version of Darude Sandstorm, I can also do that AND make you the resource pack for it.

P-S: You can basically have anything you want, as long as it's some sort of sound waves, I'll do the work for ya.

Alright, that's all for today. Don't forget to contact me on discord at DisturbedMoskito#4537 !
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