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Rejected movement glitches on eu.lokamc.com


Active Member
I was going to get some footage of this before reporting it but then I died because of it so I really want it to be fixed ASAP. Sometimes while walking up stairs or slabs you get stuck on it for a bit. While on PG I fell out of the world because of this. Also, while flying with an elytra, you randomly get pushed downwards in what feels like steps. This killed me yesterday on the way to Auru. Also at roughly the same time another player was killed by that, I was kicked out of a boat. I think it comes in spikes which affect all players on the EU ip.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
This sounds like an anti-cheat issue, but could be made worse by a poor connection to the server. We'll look into it, but if you do notice this happening in-game, make a /report detailing exactly what you did and what happened as a result. This will help us locate and fix issues like this quicker.


Active Member
This sounds like an anti-cheat issue, but could be made worse by a poor connection to the server. We'll look into it, but if you do notice this happening in-game, make a /report detailing exactly what you did and what happened as a result. This will help us locate and fix issues like this quicker.
I have no idea what it is, but I noticed it as soon as I started using the eu thing. I thought it must be connected to that in some way