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MrAlchemy's Application - Guardian

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Active Member
Age: 28 Years

Current rank: Sentry :geek:

Which rank you are applying for: Guardian :ugeek:

What you think is expected of this rank: Poise and patience, respect and duty, diligence and hard work. Helping other players with day to day problems (as they arise), disciplining rule breakers, supporting/growing a community, and enriching the overall Loka experience.

Why you think you should become this rank: I want to help grow Loka! I want more responsibilities. I'm very mature and level headed. Great negotiator, smart, and cool. 8-)

When you started playing on the server: Sept 2011

Time zone in relation to GMT: EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST)

How often do you play (hours a day/week): About 5 hours a day. I hop on often just to check up on things.

Thank you for your time and consideration! Praise Loka!
It is to my understanding that all of the current admins need to re-apply for their current rank. Ex: Mag should re-apply for Old One or forever be a Guest. Kidding, I re-applied for Sentry (Vote Gud for Sentry).
As written in post about applications being open you can apply for any rank for this first round of applications but risk going back to slicer if you try and apply for too high of a position.
Alch, I'll start a super PAC, The Definitely Not Coordinating With MrAlchemy Super Pac...
Put diamonds in ppl!
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