Age: 28 Years
Current rank: Sentry :geek:
Which rank you are applying for: Guardian :ugeek:
What you think is expected of this rank: Poise and patience, respect and duty, diligence and hard work. Helping other players with day to day problems (as they arise), disciplining rule breakers, supporting/growing a community, and enriching the overall Loka experience.
Why you think you should become this rank: I want to help grow Loka! I want more responsibilities. I'm very mature and level headed. Great negotiator, smart, and cool.
When you started playing on the server: Sept 2011
Time zone in relation to GMT: EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST)
How often do you play (hours a day/week): About 5 hours a day. I hop on often just to check up on things.
Thank you for your time and consideration! Praise Loka!
Current rank: Sentry :geek:
Which rank you are applying for: Guardian :ugeek:
What you think is expected of this rank: Poise and patience, respect and duty, diligence and hard work. Helping other players with day to day problems (as they arise), disciplining rule breakers, supporting/growing a community, and enriching the overall Loka experience.
Why you think you should become this rank: I want to help grow Loka! I want more responsibilities. I'm very mature and level headed. Great negotiator, smart, and cool.

When you started playing on the server: Sept 2011
Time zone in relation to GMT: EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST)
How often do you play (hours a day/week): About 5 hours a day. I hop on often just to check up on things.
Thank you for your time and consideration! Praise Loka!