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My opinion...


Hello everyone.

Today, I'm posting this thread because I want to remember something.

It will be about my opinion of the result of the next promotion.

For the moment, I have create a list of players.

I think these players will be promoted.

Take like note : I'm evaluating with the number of players who's supporting. It's possible I have wrong!

Slicer :
Alduien (Castalina) with 26 supports
ArcherSquid with 23 supports
DeceitfulPear with 23 supports
Kaph_ with 22 supports
Zrxes with 18 supports
jibblypop with 17 supports
JoeDanger_ with 17 supports
Drew_doc with 16 supports
special_llama with 13 supports
tjay14 with 12 supports

Sentry :
OtakuBookWorn with 33 supports
Sparky___ with 25 supports
Tremor283 with 25 supports
BuscoNombre with 18 supports

Guardian :
QRosen (gabrosen)
AlyeeRose (TeraMarie)
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Well-Known Member
It does seriously make me wonder when the next promotion ceremony will happen. We've release Conquest 3, now a State of the Server, and making the promotions page public? I can imagine that it'll happen soon, at least before summer starts...but then again, Mag and Crypt work in very mysterious ways...


It was said in the SOTS that promotions aren’t happening anytime soon, I believe the reasoning was promotions only occur when they feel they’re needed.