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NerdNation Openings


Well-Known Member

Hey all, your local talking parrot here.

For the past year and a half(ish), NerdNation has had quite a few shifts and changes, from being a Faction on a Factions server, to a group on a few vanilla servers, to a Town here on Loka. Our focus on friendship has persisted throughout this time, and we've been fortunate enough to be able to begin running weekly events. From talent shows to casual minigames to public server events, NerdNation has a lot of fun together as a little family.

The issue that arises from time to time is one known very well to anyone who's been in an informal gaming group or SMP. The fact is, over time, people are bound to lose interest. Life happens, people find new games to play, and slowly groups like NerdNation dissolve. I am proud of this group for surviving as long as it has, and I don't plan for it to end anytime soon.

With that being said, ever since our departure from our last server, NN has been going downhill in terms of activity due to switching away from a pure vanilla experience to the experience of Loka, as well as the large time gap that unfortunately existed between us officially changing servers.

NerdNation is an application-based group, accepting those we think will fit well into our little family. We would love to have more people join us and help us to re-spark interest in our community. We wanted to make a forum post letting you know that NerdNation applications are always open on our Discord by typing %apply in any channel. We've also got a website outlining our history, events, videos, art, and more.

We hope to see some of you applying soon as we continue the legacy of NerdNation!