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NerdNation's Departure & Raid


Well-Known Member
I had a draft ready to go but it got deleted, so this might be shorter than I intended. Rip.

Greetings, Lokans!

Over the past several weeks, NN has debated moving from Loka to a server more closely matching our goals. As of today, we have finalized that decision.

Our reasoning for leaving are mainly that our interests do not align with Loka's. Loka is, and always will be, a PvP server. It is about Conquest and empires. Although PvE content is coming down the pipeline, we are aware that Loka's primary focus is PvP and the Conquest mechanics, and PvE is simply icing on the cake. I want to make it very clear that we have nothing against Loka. This server's Conquest system is amazing. I've never seen anything like it. For those who enjoy PvP, it's a thriller. For us, however, its not much more than a means by which other players can gain power and harm our Town. We are not interested nor skilled in PvP. Thus, a server switch was inevitable.

We've had a blast on this server, even without having much interest in Conquest. I remember joining for the first time, completely overwhelmed by all the crazy features of Loka. I remember @Jammin_Mas taking me under his wing at Seagulls; that was such a fun time for me. The battles of Seagulls were epic, and it was so cool to listen to the officers in voice chat lead the army of players into battle. I remember finding the spot to begin NerdNation's era on Loka, and being amazed by the enormous cavern someone had left where NN would eventually be built. I remember the pig raid on Auru (sorry Auru, love you) and how excited we all were to be able to do such a big raid. I remember our RP starting up, the streams, the videos, being raided, THWARTING other bases, finding the Firestone, making allies... good times.

To celebrate a new era of NN and finish our time here, we will be deleting NerdNation on January 4th at 5pm EST (may change - will keep y'all updated). I will be recording as players of Loka raid NN's vaults and enderchest contents. Come loot the treasures of NN!

We wish you all well. If you wish to stay updated with NN, feel free to join our Discord linked in my signature.

Farewell, and thanks for the memories, Loka.

Tl;dr - Loka is cool but NN is a different kind of cool come raid us bye bye
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It's really sad to say goodbye to Loka... =( There were so many fun moments on here and I can't say thank you enough for all the amazing experiences and memories I have made here! Yet, I can't just leave the server forever! Especially since I was just promoted to Slicer, I'm going to be sticking around to practice PvP with you all since y'all know how awful I am at it XD


Well-Known Member
I wish you well on your journey, Loka will always be here for you. I will miss you! Also we never got to have tea at the palace, next time you are on let’s do that.


Well-Known Member
Just remember:



Well-Known Member
In the case that you'd like to stay engaged in Loka's community without the upkeep and danger, Dong Dank runs a neighborhood program in which we divy up a section of the city and provide it to a community, usually a former town, to use how they see fit. The city hasn't been raided in the last two years and upkeep costs are covered by the state. Feel free to shoot Pac_Man_ or myself a message on discord if any of this sounds up your alley, we'd love to help you deliver content without the usual pressures of town maintenance.

Best wishes,

Ya' Boi



"Your mother and I are proud of you son. I'm so glad you finally got off of those video games and got a job. As long as you put your mind to it champ, you'll be running the place one day. I told you my advice would work buddy.

Now if only your brother Skuhoo would follow in your footsteps!

Best of luck, make sure to tell your boss your ol'pops says hi Champ."


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1346

"Your mother and I are proud of you son. I'm so glad you finally got off of those video games and got a job. As long as you put your mind to it champ, you'll be running the place one day. I told you my advice would work buddy.

Now if only your brother Skuhoo would follow in your footsteps!

Best of luck, make sure to tell your boss your ol'pops says hi Champ."
I can now rest in peace :')