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Suggestion Nerf cobwebs


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest cobwebs in there current state are Extremely overpowered, the fact of the matter is you can completely stop someone in there tracks for One inventory slot 64 times is very unbalanced and especially in ganks you can completely lock someone in place and stop them from critting which is also very busted so i would suggest making the max amount of cobwebs you can carry 16 along with not allowing them to be stored in echests and shulkers like shulkers are currently this means that while yes they are still very good you cant spam down 20 cobwebs anytime someone taps you on the shoulder and would make it take more skill to actually land someone in a web and keep them there when you only have 16. If this is to harsh of a nerf i could see it but cobwebs just in general are completely broken