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No Plans to Implement Nerf corrupted water


Hello and id like to make a statement about the current use of the corrupted water.Many texture packs make it so you cannot really make a difference between corrupted water and normal water.If you could make it possible at least as a nerd (Example does little do no damage and has 40 seconds timer and you have to try and not die 40 seconds but doesnt make lots of damage on you).I see ppl dying to this almost every time im online and i think it would be smart to at least nerf it.
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I think its fine how it is, and a timer till you just die is kinda weird IMO. The best way to tell if its corrupted water or not is if A. Its in an infested tile, or B. on Zyre, where corruption is unique to the sea around the island.

Like the elders stated in the SotS they are waiting until the whole biome color change thing gets fixed in 1.19 so I'm sure they have plans for different colors.
with all my respect for someone like you with lots of loka experience its quite easy but i see ppl dying everyday man also you cannot even see due to texture pack issues
I think its fine how it is, and a timer till you just die is kinda weird IMO. The best way to tell if its corrupted water or not is if A. Its in an infested tile, or B. on Zyre, where corruption is unique to the sea around the island.

Like the elders stated in the SotS they are waiting until the whole biome color change thing gets fixed in 1.19 so I'm sure they have plans for different colors.
ik but at least lower the damage and personally i dont even know how to survive that thing
with all my respect for someone like you with lots of loka experience its quite easy but i see ppl dying everyday man also you cannot even see due to texture pack issues
The reason most people die in corrupted water is because they decide to kite into the water and die there out of spite.
Hello and id like to make a statement about the current use of the corrupted water.Many texture packs make it so you cannot really make a difference between corrupted water and normal water.
How do you not know where the corrupted water is? Like in infested tiles its just all water, and on Zyre its just the ocean around the island.
How do you not know where the corrupted water is? Like in infested tiles its just all water, and on Zyre its just the ocean around the island.

I'd say a big part of the issue is that our 1.17 custom biome stuff for Infested Territories isn't around atm and with that we made things very scary/purple/dark and more noticeable. This will return in 1.19.